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Hi there,

Wanted to share with you this pin-up I was inspired to create during quarantine. I’ve been experimenting with different coloring techniques and was especially inspired by the artist DevilHS’ “Dark Rey” concept. So I sketched this out and even wrote up a little vignette to go along!

Enjoy, and May the Fourth be with you!


Rey Defeated, by Pegasus

Rey breathed a strangled sigh of relief, temporarily frozen as she watched Kylo — Ben — stagger backward in disbelief, groping clumsily at the deep, searing slash mark across his face... then collapse, dead. She had done it. She had won. She extinguished her lightsaber and in the absence of its steady thrum, the chamber was filled with eerie quiet. Then, behind her, Snoke’s roar of triumph split the silence. “GOOOOD!” He pounded his fist on the throne. “You have bested my Knight in personal combat. You are even more powerful than I had imagined. Now, girl... kneel before me and take your place as my loyal slave and apprentice.”

Rey trembled, the saber hilt heavy and sweaty in her palm. She knew what she had to do. She had abandoned the old fool Skywalker on Ach-To... he had shown himself to be a useless hermit after all. So she had come here, alone, resolute in her mission. Kill Snoke, save Ben... find some way to pull him back to the light. She had been so sure... but then the Supreme Leader had twisted it around on her, revealing he had orchestrated the whole thing... he had shown her the Resistance fleet being decimated, and in her grief and anguish she had let him turn her against his young disciple. Her rage and desperation needed an outlet and they had found Ben Solo... the poor boy never stood a chance. She hadn’t been able to turn him after all... but she might still complete the other half of her mission. Even if it was suicide, she could take Snoke out. Her victory had given her confidence, self-assurance... she felt her power flowing through her now, unregulated. The Force. She could master it. She could still save Finn, Leia and the others...

She ignited the lightsaber once again. “Never!!” The power of rage fueled her, gave her blistering speed as she raced across the throne room toward her target. Snoke merely smiled. “Young fool,” he rasped. With a flick of his wrist, the saber leapt from Rey’s hand and skittered away, making a wide arc before lodging itself firmly at his side, as if secured by a powerful magnet. Rey stumbled in disbelief as she felt her body contort, her limbs suddenly leaden, her back arching, thrusting out her ample bosom. Then she was slammed to the ground mercilessly, facefirst, and smeared across the ebony floor like a rag until she arrived at Snoke’s feet. She tried to look up into his cold eyes, to meet his gaze with her own venom, but she could not even crane her neck.

“The Dark Side gives you strength, girl... but you’re still far out of your league. The boy Solo was a fool. He felt love for you and it made him hesitate. I know that love is a simpleton’s notion, like hope, like honor. These things will make you weak. I feel only lust, never love. Ambition, never honor. Anger, never hope. Hope exists only to die... much like your Rebel friends.”

He waved his hand theatrically and she was swept over again to the view screen, where she saw the last Resistance ships engulfed in flames. The emerald lasers of the First Order gunships fell upon them like a plague of locusts. The few escape pods and shuttles that had been launched toward Crait tumbled and exploded in space, lost and rudderless. She saw the last flagship of the rebellion begin to turn meaningfully, determinedly, as If planning one last desperate maneuver... then it tilted, shuddered... and erupted into a fireball. In her heart, Rey felt Finn’s light go out and knew he was dead, along with all the others. They had failed. They had all failed. It had been for nothing. Snoke was right. Hope was foolish.

She felt herself drawn inexorably back toward him. Helpless to resist. Hot tears stained her cheeks but she was going cold inside. Without hope there was not much left except her hatred and her fear. Most of all a hatred of herself for being so weak. If things had only been different, if she could have convinced Ben... but no. It was the temptation she offered him that ultimately doomed him, too. She never should have left to find Skywalker, never should have pinned her hopes to this Resistance. She saw now what true power was. This grotesque creature sitting triumphantly before her in his golden robes... robes he parted now with gnarled, withered fingers.

Rey gasped from her kneeling position before Snoke as he withdrew a massive, veiny cock from beneath his robe. Two swollen, fist sized testicles hung behind it as it faced Rey down, pulsing and twitching, engorging itself with each passing second and growing into a threatening erection. The angry pink head darkened into purple as it rose like a slumbering sea monster, a leviathan... the smell reached Rey’s nostrils and she retched. All at once, she realized what was about to happen and a chill rushed over her skin.

“This is where your heroism has led you,” Snoke intoned joyously, as one of his hideous weathered hands jerked his tool to life slowly, insistently. “This is the inevitable outcome of all your grandstanding. You will be shown just how weak you truly are, and what you really are to me. You’re a beautiful girl, Rey... your appearance stokes the fires of lust within me. I sense you are a virgin as well... it’s a rare delight to enjoy the body of one so pure. But even more so than violating your body I will enjoy corrupting and crushing your spirit. Soon you will be unable to remember a time when you did not serve me, when your heart was not as black as night, your soul a slave forever to the Dark Side.”

Snoke grinned. His cock had firmed fully, bulbous head protruding obscenely, the entire wretched thing still shrugging and pulsing as if to escape its very skin. Rey watched with abject horror as a bead of thick, white precum escaped the winking pisshole and dripped to the floor. Invisible hands pushed Rey forward and she despaired at the grim reality of her situation — the Force, that ineffable power she had only moments before thought herself a master of... now kept her stock still and prodded her toward a fate worse than death. It was the Force, too, that yanked her cloth garments aside rudely, shredding her dignity, letting her bounteous tits spill out into the cool air. Snoke hissed in appreciation, his cock bobbing along with his eagerly nodding head. He hadn’t laid even a hand on her but this vile man... could you even call him a man? This thing had defeated her, humiliated her. Now, he would rape her.

Reys lips met the spongy head of his cock suddenly and she clamped her jaw shut, his slimy rod smearing over her face as she was wracked with sorrowful sobs. Still she was forced onward, downward, and Snoke reached out to touch her now, placing one hand on the back of her head and the other at the root of his prick to steady it. It was rock hard and hot, pressing forcefully now against her tightly shut mouth, refusing to give up. It was truly massive, wider around than her bicep, and her resistance was borne somewhat out of a disbelief that it could even fit inside her mouth. But Snoke knew it could. He’d make it fit.

In the end Rey’s own spirit gave out, her self-loathing and shame became too great, and she simply stopped resisting. Deep down she no longer believed that she deserved to resist him, and this was the cornerstone of her true defeat. Her jaw slackened almost imperceptibly, and the throbbing, monstrous tool quickly found its way between her soft, pink lips, squashing against her teeth, forcing her mouth wider, wider, pushing inside...

Snoke growled as he speared the girl’s face, pushing inch after inch of his meat into her warm, wet mouth. His cockhead slid over her tongue and he appreciated the way Rey flattened it against the bottom of her oral cavity, making way for him, acquiescing. Her glittering brown eyes looked up at him now, registering total submission, a pathetic look of failure and defeat. She gasped around the girth, gargling sloppily, spit running in rivulets down her chin.

“You’ve come up against your better and been found wanting, Rey,” he sneered. “Serve me and I may let you live.You will save me as my chosen concubine, my first whore... your body will be a toy, a repository for my seed and, perhaps, a gift for my highest admirals. Look inside yourself and feel despair, child. Your future is one you cannot comprehend. And you have only yourself to blame. Your Resistance is at an end... the galaxy will fall before my legions... and you yourself will lead me to Skywalker’s doorstep so I may exterminate him.”

Rey saw flashes in her mind and knew it was not just her imagination — she was seeing shadows of the future, of what would come to pass. She whined pathetically and Snoke stuffed more of his cock into her mouth, the glans finding the back of her throat and continuing down her esophagus. Snoke was right. She was a fool. She deserved this treatment. Struggling to breathe, she opened her jaw impossibly wide to accommodate him, watching the base of his cock grow closer to her nose.

In one sweeping movement, Snoke pulled her head back, drawing his cock back out until only the ridged head remained in her gaping mouth. Drool fell in cascades off his stiffened meat, snot running from Reys nostrils as she suppressed violent coughs. Then he pushed, fingers sinking into her hair, driving her all the way back down until she had deep throated the entire unspeakable thing. Then, the face fucking truly began. The room was filled with the violent sounds of Rey’s retching, gagging and squealing as he used her throat totally. Snoke’s red armor-clad Praetorian guards turned their backs out of duty but they could not escape the ungodly sounds of the girl’s torment. Snoke’s swinging balls smacked her again and again in the chin, drool soaked her shapely titties that bounced as she rocked back and forth, back and forth.

Rey drifted away in her mind. There was no hate left for Snoke. He was only doing what came naturally. Lust, ambition, anger. He was letting it all out on her now. She hated only herself, for letting this happen. Skywalker, for failing to prepare her. Finn, for finding her on Jakku to begin with. But not Snoke. Snoke was strength and power incarnate. She could not hate him. She admired him, worshipped him... loved him. As his cock ransacked her throat, she knew it. She loved him and would serve him until her dying day.

When he came, he stuffed her head all the way down and blasted into her guts, pulse after rotten pulse of heavy, white cum swelling her stomach and overflowing up her throat. His stinking jism erupted from her nostrils and the corners of her mouth, making a mess on her chest and the floor below her. It seemed to last hours, his cock swelling as it dispatched each heavy load into her brimming stomach. She felt her belly swell, weighing down on her knees, as more cum sprayed in ribbons out of her face. He yanked her head back to look down at her mouth, overflowing with his frothy mess, and he slapped the side of her face with that fat, heavy cock until she swallowed. After that he made her lick up the mess, her throat feeling stretched and ruined by his rampaging meat. She gulped painfully and wept, then fell asleep, exhausted, at his feet. She dreamt of her parents, looking down on her, disapproving. And that was the end.



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