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Hey hey,

Since this is a limited-time offer, I wanted to make sure everyone is aware -- you can pledge now at the $20 level to get Submission Agenda: Silver Sable (16 pages + cover) on APRIL 1!

This is the first new Submission Agenda chapter I've created in years, and it features a full-on gangrape and some spicy Dark Phoenix action as well.

You won't see pages posting in the Main Feed until May 1, so if you want to read it early, this is your chance. Subscribe before Tuesday, March 31!



So to be sure I understand, anything under $20 per month only get pinups and comics delayed for a month and then posted a page at a time?


Hey there! There are usually two tiers: the $5 Main Feed which features weekly comic pages and additional material like pin-ups, and the $7 Extras feed which includes bonus pin-ups, previews of upcoming projects, and other exclusive material. I'm also offering these special offers which allow you to buy full comics for about the same price that you would pay over time on the Main Feed, but you can get them early and all at once.


Man, I would love to see you give Kamala Khan the Submission Agenda treatment.


Some day, perhaps! I am planning a LOT of new Submission Agenda work right now. She'll show up eventually, even if it's just a cameo.