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sketchbook zip of 100+ files below VVV There may be some duplicates. I don’t have the ease of access to name the files right now, but the upcoming discord download will have the files names

Lemme preface by saying nothing bad happened! I just decided that my residence at the time was not working out for me, and things lined up in a manner where I ended up moving back to Arizona rather suddenly. I had to wrap up a bunch of appointments, pack and get my old home ready, so I’ve been hella behind on things. As I’m typing this, we’re actually halfway through ripping up some flooring and I don’t have access to my PC

I’ve been working on catching up on exclusives, and I feel like I’m in a much better place for working on art again. I still owe some July stuff, but June should be all taken care of now

Apologies for appending every post with this, but I highly recommend linking a Discord since most of these were immediately posted there




I wanted to add more sketches to the post for previewing but I guess you can only post 12 images now?