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Zip below has everything in the post !




Are you testing a new art program. Everything looks great btw


I got an ipad pro and started using "Art Studio Pro" for art. While it lacks the shading layer type I normally use, it's pretty great for starting pics up to the library phase or doing smaller scale colored pics Procreate was alright but it has some really bad issues with its brush engine that were pretty apparent on the airbrush among other nitpicks from me


Ok cool, I’ve been using procreate for pretty much all my digital art, however with this information I’m a little interested in what other apps have to offer, thx


if you wanna know my specific other complaints, it's that procreate has the layer limit and you can't lower the opacity of a group/folder as a whole Art Studio allowed me to do that, but lacks a couple of nice-to-haves that Procreate has (being able to export multiple files at once as well as bounding box rotation)


Indeed, I’ve had a similar problem recently were I finished a piece with multiple layers on the resolution size of the screen, it needed to be a higher resolution with a dpi of 300 and as a PSD, i had to basically re-draw the whole thing on a higher res canvas witch only allows for 20 layers about 1/3 what I had originally used 😅