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Kind of a rough 10 days but still managed to get some stuff out. I tried forcing that Pepper pic when I wasn't feeling it and didn't really like the result, otherwise it would've counted as one of this month's exclusives. I'll try and make up for that with another exclusive early next month, so there should be 4 for March

Sketchbook will go up later tonight




Once again, you're always here to deliver! I love how when you look at a piece and you don't like it you don't share it. That shows that you have true pride and value in your work! This quality makes all your works top tier and truly spectacular! I can't wait to hear more about the lore of the world that you created!


Oooh getting peeks in the treehouse!


Will the February sketchbook be delayed?


I'll have it up within a day or two, I want to include a bonus with it if possible since it's somewhat smaller than usual