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I've probably tried to draw the character on the right multiple times in the past, and boy I'm kind of glad the old attempts didn't come out right because I'm very happy with how she looks with that design. I needed a design for the blacksmith in the universe I'm working on and she fits the bill perfectly

The race is called the "Yakano", I'm still refining this character's personal name for the time being.

These will probably be sent out during the 2nd week of October. I want to try and start getting these out earlier in the month but things always get in the way >:(

Just a heads up, these WILL be sold on my store as well as limited quantities of the stickers from the past two months as well, so if you don't live in the US and can't upgrade tiers, or if you don't want to upgrade right before the new month, these can be obtained then too




Noticed a small issue with the pattern on the left foot being shorter than the right. I will fix that before the order is made


Much want! :O


A fine addition to my collection. On another note, need to make Kae's sword. Maybe during winter if I can get my shop rebuilt.


Do you have a link to your store?


After making that refined design for Laefa I've been thinking of what to do for Kae's for fun, and I'll be sure to get it uploaded too. Did something happen to your shop? I hope everything is alright over on your end


Might forge both swords. Laefa and Kae. No one was hurt but the whole shop went up in flames during the night back in june.


Oh my gosh that's awful, I'm so sorry to hear that... I'm glad nobody was hurt but geez, right in the middle of 2020 that's a bummer


Thank you and it's no worries. Still cleaning up and moving my shop home. Caught it on camera but someone flicked something over the concrete wall and slowly the roofing caught on fire. It just so happened to be made out of wood.


Just came in the mail today and straight up I was so excited immediately. They look even better in person <3