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Thank you again everyone for your patience for the July stickers, I'm sorry it took so long to get them sorted this month. Those and this month's stickers will be shipped out soon once I have the order in. It may be a little bit longer until I can send them out, but after this we'll be completely back on track!

If you cancelled during July I will be messaging content to you soon to compensate for the two week absence at the end of July




I’m gonna have so many of these I won’t know what to do with them and I love it!


GAH!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!! I'm so EXCITED!!!!!!!!


Love the stickers, and on another note. Sticker is still holding up on the truck as well.


I'm glad it's holding up! I tried one of the matte kobold stickers on my own vehicle but it began to fade after a few months


Sad to hear it, surprised it's survived the Arizona heat though, and the mud I've gotten on it. Still the same sticker from your first set.


Super excited even if I have to wait a little longer. Your stuff is the best