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Working on a little mini comic. I'm going for a simpler style, light on backgrounds so that I can put pages out faster.

I've always been thrown off a bit by comics only updating once or twice a week, so I figured to trade detail for frequency/batches




This is funny. Love it!


I guess the other thing I should've mentioned is that I always kind of pictured half-size pages for my worm, like if you hamburger folder a piece of copy paper. The density of these pages is a little more appropriate for that sizing


This is adorable. Does Laefa live with Kae? Or are we about to meet someone new?


I think it'd work even without the text.


yeahh.. I wasn't too eager to put text in, but there was some empty space that looked worse after lining and coloring. I put a bit of text/inner dialogue just to balance the pages a bit Don't worry though, I'm not going to go to the extent that some hentai/manga goes where they tend to repeat everything happening visually. I'm not sure if it's just a preference thing or an oversight, but dialogue like "Uh oh.. the hand is.. undressing me? and now it's exploring me?? I don't know how much of this I can take before I start blushing" style inner-dialogue is one of my personal peeves Later pages will probably have less text excluding the last few


In this particular instance its a DND setting with Fleece! I have a couple of scattered sketches of her, the white snake thing She probably won't be seen until the last few pages


Snap snap! Very nice!


I love the minimalist style of the comic, ignoring bgs and all that, really makes us focus on the character. Which arguably is all we are focusing on so XD She's so obedient to the sudden floating hand too, really hot so far! Loving it <3


All I can this is "Ah, so THIS is The Darkness."