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Kind of a weird month for art for me. I've had some looser sketches come out fine, but trying to refine them into finished pics hasn't been working out as much. I scrapped a few of these that were intended to be a November exclusive (including that armor pic on the top right)

The final November pic will be uploaded tomorrow or Monday. Most of it is complete, I just have to fix up the alt version and finish the background. The final sticker design for December will also be added around that time.

I think I need to hit some pose studies and general art studies hard this December because things are starting to feel stiff/stale with my exclusives and I want to try and provide more variety than my main 5-ish characters in variations of the same 4 poses. I also want to start doing multiple character sketches, you can see a couple of very rough scraps of that in the sketchbook as I'm trying to dip into it. I'm also getting dangerously close to the goal where I start doing comics again, and I want my style to be loose in preparation for that.

Lastly you may have seen it announced on Twitter, but I've finally started to sell stickers outside of Patreon through Storenvy. The shop will be closed for a week after December 2nd, but otherwise it's a good way to get extras if you want them or reacquire old stickers https://manori.storenvy.com

I still want stickers to be a primarily Patreon-based thing though, and so in the end it's still cheaper to get them through the sticker tiers with the added bonus of getting Kuzellium-tier rewards. Thank you everyone for your support with my content and stickers!




It bites that it's been difficult for sure, but you're managing well.


Kae Camp intrigues me. We're seeing her with braids more and more recently, and I think the look actually works pretty well for her! They look good on her, and considering what her activity and fighting style seem to be, constraining her hair more is probably a good idea. She gets to keep her hair long for casual time, but cut back on a vulnerable spot when it matters. No one likes when their opponent grabs a fistful of their locks! ;P