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I only put 4 versions in the post itself. The rest are in the included zip

Sorry I'm so late with this one. Originally I was writing a short story to accompany it, but I wasn't happy with anything I was writing. I actually finished this picture on October 30th and was hesitant to post it without the accompanying story. The promo pic is incorrect, originally the [9] versions were supposed to go in order of the story, but since I cut the story I just threw in another 6 variants. (There's 6 "real" versions. The other 9 are just mixed and matched variations).

This is some weird context as a forewarning. From people who have followed my work since 2013 this plant might look familiar, I had done some fun concept work for a plant that would feed an aphrodisiac goo substance that would cause sexual fluids to be produced at a much faster rate, and would also cause it to be somewhat charged with the magic they naturally have in their bodies (I have to call it magic for now since I haven't released the full doc on their bodies). So that plant would thrive off of the energy from that magic as well as produce a fruit that couldn't be grown otherwise.

...But the problem I had was that I didn't want people to think my entire world-building was porn based, and while the plant was popular I felt like that's what I started to get known for, and I didn't want people to think the plant stuff was canon in the universe. Well, It can still exist in the universe, but I didn't want pictures of my characters in it to be considered canon events. Heck, even 5 years later I occasionally get people asking me if I would continue working on that concept. I had to take a break from plant stuff for a little while because it worried me. This is also what impacted me trying to write the attached story. Part of the whole kink that makes it interesting for me involves the magic systems in their bodies being tapped for the energy it has, and I'm really trying to save that for the real stories instead of expressing it through my porn stories first. Not to say that there won't be porn of it in the future, but I have to be careful with the order things are released in.

So hopefully, in a weird way, this drive to release the world building stuff through a non-porn story first will get me to actually write the dang thing instead of putting it off. This way, I won't feel bad about using the concepts for 18+ content. But I still have work to do on it. A lot of it. In the meantime a lot of the pictures I'm working on have those kinds of concepts in mind but I'm trying to present them in a way that they can be enjoyed with a glimpse at the context or without it. If you read the "Extraction" story, I intentionally made it kind of vague and briefly touched on because I don't want to repeat that whole cycle again lol.

Anyways, that's why it was delayed, since it's October's last pic there will still be three new pics this month and I'll do my best to get them done on time instead of needlessly postponing them like this one orz. Thank you for your support and patience with me!!



Skeleton Man

I find it reasonable that you care for how your work is perceived, I really dont mind if you find that the story needs more work (or gets scraped completely) if you think that it does not pass your quality criteria. Maybe you could do world building like Fluff Kevlar does, that is, having one of the characters explain something of the world that they live in, that way you can do world building without porn. The image set is really good! I love it :3


That's more than reasonable. As much as a lot of us enjoy these, it would be a discredit to the world you're building if it was focused just on the porn. Honestly I want to see more of the world in general. I love the sexy arts we get, but there's always a taste that there's more to it than that, that the porn is just a thing on the side. I'd love to see more world building from you, and if some of it happens to be NSFW, so much the better!


Very valid concerns! You don't want to make it look like your world only exists as a vehicle for a handful of porn scenes. Do what you feel makes sense and makes you comfortable in illustrating your world. But at the same time, don't shy away from sexual worldbuilding too much. We have way too much stigma about sex-related things, where you're regarded as a weird pervert if you come up with anything for a fictional setting/story that deviates at all from normal missionary sex lol. Like... "how dare you THINK about sex you degerate." Yet, sex has been the driving factor behind a ton of cultural elements and major decisions in history. How many historical figures did something dumb because the wrong person made their dick hard? That aside, this fandom does very much swing the other way, especially because several other artists/writers HAVE made settings just as playgrounds for their fetishes, and I understand not wanting yours to be reduced to that, even perceptually. Fun, kinky, weird sex stuff should certainly exist, but you're totally justified in wanting to make sure you develop and present the world as a whole. You want the world to INCLUDE the sexual stuff, not be defined by it. Don't want to set up the tourist landing zone in the fuck dungeon, right? ;D