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Edit: Had to fix an outline issue that I left out. The newer version should look a little bit better

Looks like she's back for more testing. She looks grumpy but she's always signing herself up for these.

Some extra info for context:
The patterns on the device interface with some of the magical systems in her body, and functions better when in contact with areas with more nerve endings. Turns out, it functions quite well with erogenous zones, and can gather extra information during a climax. This device also monitors which movements and patterns are more pleasurable to the client, and as the session proceeds, it figures out exactly what their favorite cycles are.

I'm working on the third August pic tonight, but I'm going to send it out to patrons who had to change their pledge just in case they weren't able to catch it before the month changed




No story with this one? :P Amazing work! Especially with the digital display and laser targeting.


To be honest I'd love to see more of these. I really like how you draw the machinery and screens. Ha, also gives me ideas to draw my boy getting tested x3


I left in the unedited version with the thinner outline. I don't like it, but if you prefer that one it's up for download !


I want to write another one! I have something planned but I'm not sure if I'm going to get around to it


I'd actually like to see Kae talk about why she seems to like anal so much. ;P