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I'm looking for feedback on the current amount of content available and if you think I should be doing more for the Kuzellium tier, if the amount of content per month is lacking or if it's fine as it is. I want to take this Patreon seriously because I immensely appreciate any support I get.

As it stands, the "two exclusive pics per month" I am treating as a minimum, I want to do at least three when I'm able to. Everything is kind of malleable at this point as I try to find a comfortable spot for everyone here.

I typically make anywhere between 20 and 60 sketches/practice-content a month, and I plan to upload those as monthly sketchbook packs. Would you prefer if I uploaded two bi-monthly smaller packs of those or one large one at the start of the month?

I really wanted to dive right into comics but I'm in a kind of work-limbo IRL where I might be having to take on a lot more hours and I was scared to start comics right off the bat if I wouldn't have the time for it. Maybe I'll still do some black and white ones if I can find the place for it.

In the future I'd love to do some postcard content/tiers or a monthly sticker subscription but that depends how far I get here.

If you have any suggestions or complaints, I am all ears. Please comment on this post for feedback so I can see what everyone's thoughts are.


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