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This month we review the noir classic, The Maltese Falcon. Is this just an excuse to imitate these fun old timey voices? Shut up! You don’t know us at all, see!


Brandon Nunnery

Arsenic and old lace would be a fantastic movie to review! Everyone’s favorite little pervert Peter Lorry is in it and the old timey comedy is on point


The acting through at the top coulda been a full episode for me and I’d pay double. Yall sound so good in black and white!


The thing you always have to remember about film noir is that the Hays Code meant they couldn't show ANYTHING, so when your story hinges on something violent, queer, or sexy, it can only be hinted at, so it makes a lot of noir plots incomprehensible. The Big Sleep is my favorite example, since so much of novel contains so much that they can't show, they literally don't end up telling us who did the thing they're investigating.