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Have a nice afternoon….but….just one more thing…we can’t help but think we watched Columbo  and now we can’t stop talking like this. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?



*emerges from well* Actually there were two Columbo pilots and neither of them are this one. This is the first proper episode of the series. Edit: lmao you got me

Adam Kronfeld

Columbo: the original Wife Guy


Columbo episodes (including the 2 pilot episodes/ made for tv movies) can be seen on Amazon Prime. They used to be on Netflix and was the reason my parents got it and gave up Blockbuster. Times have changed… I adore Columbo’s format of the audience knowing who does it first. We then get to see the killer trying to outwit this “stumbling idiot detective” only to be outsmarted by one last little thing… I showed episodes to my friends at a party and we had fun trying to figure out which moment Columbo figured it out before he decided to move in for evidence on the suspect. Some actors appear multiple times too- Leonard Nimoy was one, I think?


I’ve also become a late Columbo convert. My aunt tried to convince me as a teen, but for some reason she could only show me one of the weird Columbo movies made after the main run of the series. It was very melodramatic and relied heavily on Columbo interpreting a woman’s dreams (“You say the man in your dream had a monocle? ‘Mon Uncle’…now that’s French for ‘My Uncle’!”) My aunt tried to assure me the show wasn’t usually like that. I now know she’s right and like to binge 3-4 episodes every Sunday afternoon.

Briann Lohr

Have loved Columbo all my life. Yes, I'm OLD!!!!