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We're back with another Public Access TV episode and I'll be hosed if it isn't all Canadian! 



Whoa. I also gave my mum sad eyes


Whatever you would have made up for Nanalan could not be as unhinged as the actual show


10/10 sound editing, great stuff

Evan Cordero

Casey Toney was right. These are always hilarious. Always excited to see these in my feed

Niko Smiley

Return of my favorite feed drop!


Hello I am a Canadian man and I will marry any and all clue crew members


This Hour has 22 Minutes is genuinely some of the funnies stuff Canada is doing rn - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRWTT3J2/


Under the Umbrella Tree was one of my favourite shows as a kid! Back to back with Fred Penner... Or was it Mr Dressup?


Theodore Tugboat! If you ever go to Halifax, Nova Scotia there is a real Theodore tug boat in the harbour. Quite a thrill.


Such a good ep. Y’all seemed to be having a genuine blast with this one. So good to hear! Also, please do the other ones not selected, pleeeeaaaasssseeeeee


Can’t remember, did y’all ever cover the Cola Sisters? Local access show in TX where a pair of young women would get absurdly drunk and attempt to execute a recipe while role playing their characters, Shasta and Arcie Cola. It was gold!


I cannot recommend that you watch old clips of NanaLan on YouTube highly enough. It's a fever dream. I remember watching it when I was home sick from school as a teenager and thinking that it was the funniest thing I've ever seen!


(Also if you come to Toronto I will gladly drive the 4 hours from Windsor to get there) love y'all

Christopher Lee

Hey I just joined Patreon, this is right as hell!! I can’t wait to get into the backlog!


Big Wolf on Campus was Canadian!? I loved that nonsense when I was 10. I think Brandon Quinn was my first crush.


oh my friend I am envious. highlights: hey relationship relationship, the disney twins, public access (1&2 especially just for the novelty), erin on the side of wine/coffee, the woods/beach/space, hey riddle high/hyaah saddle saddle/revenge in riddle city. jpcs acting factory trilogy... okay energy drink fueled recommendations over


As a Canadian I appreciate this episode very much lol


Especially for Erin, here's an episode of Under the Umbrella Tree, a very sweet children's show I used to watch on sick days: https://youtu.be/ponpdB2gAAM


Hi, the This Hour Has 22 Minutes segment would fit perfectly as a skit in the actual show, so congrats on absolutely nailing the tone.


I hate that at the beginning of this I was like "just because it's Canadian doesn't mean I'm going to know all the shows" and then literally all of the shows are ones that I've watched or heard of lol