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Good news/ bad news everybody! Maine is awesome….but Mitch is from Maine. We talk about Stephen King books, lobster, and blueberries. Then end it all with the most insane song of all time.



Next Review Crew should be Duolingo: Spanish 😂


You should do South Carolina when you circle back around to a southern state! We are the birthplace of Chadwick Boseman, Viola Davis, Stephen Colbert, and JPC's father Darius Rucker! Just to name a few. My hometown of Barnwell produced James Brown and the serial killer The Taco Bell Strangler. Not to mention all the Alex Murdaugh trial stuff happened there!


I'm only halfway through the Dark Tower series but I still got upset because everything I've read so far is the best series I've ever read. Wtf man.

Maggie Reilly

Just arrived in Maine yesterday for vacation! Looking forward to all the lobsters and ghosts...


I love the states series. I have only been to Maine twice. My family reunions are out there (every 2 years), and in true Midwest fashion, we would drive from Kansas to Maine because "it really isn't that far of a drive"


Finally finished the episode. Hearing the Maine Christmas Song brought me back to elementary school! There are also hand motions that go along with it we would perform for parents as kids. I highly recommend visiting Pemaquid lighthouse (my personal favorite) and the Causeway in Naples for good food, activities and a ride on the Songo River Queen.


I am from New Orleans and currently in Maine for school. They have many beaches but the water is SO COLD even in the summer. I miss swimming in the sediment-brown Mississippi bath water :/ (closest beach to us is over there)


My aunt and uncle went to Acadia national park, fell in love with it, had their wedding in it and named their child Acadia so if you wanna talk about committing to a bit…


We like the state series! Do it more!


late to this but I'm from Maine and I would say DON'T go to Old Orchard Beach. People are gonna tell you that you should, don't listen. It's a sad tourist trap with the world's most depressing boardwalk. Everywhere else is lovely though, Portland is a sweet kitschy little city!