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If you've never played the social deduction game Werewolf, then you won't know how much we've butchered it. 9 villagers. One wolf. Can you discover who the killer is? 



I loved this


Absolutely incredible

Joe Jerome

Truly amazing

Briann Lohr

Literally WEEPING!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣 BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!


Adal, I need you to know your Mickey Mantle joke did not go unappreciated even if Erin and JPC completely missed it. 💚


You're on a third date. The two of you really hit it off on the first couple dates, and you decided to tag along with them to a casual dinner party and meet a few of their friends. You park the car and walk up to the front door together. You're feeling just a little bit nervous, but mostly excited. They knock on the door underhanded. What do you do?


I have listened to this three times since it came out 🤣 this is a favorite for sure


This was such a great episode, and I think it opens up some more Mono-scene episodes based loosely on games. I’d love to see you all be tycoons discussing Monopoly, or bickering amongst each other as the rulers of Candy Land.


Changing my name to swilda von tilten. It's always spooky to hear your uncommon name mentioned in an EP like this lol


This Town of Salem bit is GREAT!