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Hey Riddle Riddle's September Livestream



How does one watch these on YouTube? I’m only watching in patreon app and missing all the good good comments.


For Erin’s 3 person costume, I think dress Lou in those jousting horse fabrics and stick a stuffed animal knight on her back. Erin and Sean can be queen and king of whatever joke thing you wish. Treating other guests as the common folk optional.


Sending love from MD 🦀


I would very much like the giraffe "I'm a weed type Pokemon" shirt


Adal pls play Omori (good but ow)


Hey New Hampshire is pretty in the fall too! A drive through Lost River Gorge in the fall cannot be beat


Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 remix for ps4 (they got real Evangelion with the naming) is where to start with that series. Its a bundle of HD ports/remakes of the first few games, including a couple spinoffs. All very good! Minding that the series just gets increasingly confusing the further in you get. Moreso if you actually pay attention to the story. But it never stops being fun.