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Ice Cream trucks must be regional or something, and I am in the hellscape that they still exist in. There is an ice cream truck that comes and sits directly outside my apartment's window while I am trying to work (I am WFH)... My nemesis is an ice cream truck. I never cared about ice cream trucks and now I despise them. (I'm also allergic to dairy, so I can't even get any ice cream.)


Listening to this episode is doing something to my brain. Not sure if it’s good or bad but it’s … something


Looking forward to the review of this Review Crew episode in a few years. The decision to leave the episode sound running and talk over it... oy. Last week I was listing to the Jan 6th hearings and somehow Paula Poundstone's podcast restarted in the background. I was wondering at first who was making so much noise in the Congressional hearing!


It’s like MST3K watched an episode of MST3K


I think that this works the same way the Chatterbox episodes do. We sometimes just like hearing the three of you talk about whatever. I hope we get more of those episodes where Erin pulls quotes from old episodes and quizzes the guys

Darren Le

yeah I second this. Love those that Erin did. But I understand those take time to do as well 'cause usually it's like 10 episodes worth of content


Erin - thanks for making me feel like less of a freak (sensory processing/ADHD)


And that's how hey riddled your mother.

Adam Kronfeld

Look, I am a happily married man, but all things considered, listening back over to this show and all of Erin’s commentary, I would absolutely one hundred percent marry Adal.


I would absolutely LOVE to listen to an episode of the Clue Crew wandering around a shopping mall together.


Is your favorite part of the podcast the incoherent ramblings as our 3 beloved hero’s scream over each other? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live with a crippling attention deficit disorder where 24/7 all you have in multiple conversations in your head that never stop? If you said yes to any of these this is the episode for you! 10/10 loved the episode and your retrospectives. You somehow captured the experience of the voices in my head so I can share it with the world. Please release a version where both tracks are at the same volume.