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We hope you need a name for your band-because we’ve got plenty! We have some listener submitted riddles this week and a desire to kill some time before we read them. This episode also has time travel, a snake biting off more than it can chew, and a very dignified conversation between a hound and a fox. Pull! Happy Wednesday!


Hunter E

Is there a reason why the ad-free are being released half a day after the main feed episode? I hate to be so cynical about these things but it really feels like a way to sell ad-free eps as a feature of the Patreon but also still get paying patrons to still listen to the ad feed if they want to listen the moment the episode is available, which does not feel great.


Hunter E, I also noticed the main feed ep is coming a few hours later then it used to. Now it comes out too late to listen on my commute on Wednesday, it has become a Thursday podcast.


While the ad-free episodes are definitely nice, I personally don’t mind the ads. I subscribed to the Patreon for the bonus content first and foremost. That being said, it is a little odd the ad-free version comes out so much later. Appreciate the whole crew; you all are awesome. (PS. The llama bit had me rolling)


I agree, the ads are funny the first time you hear them, and easy to skip through on subsequent listens. The annoying part is that both the ad version and the patreon seem to be coming out later since they started having the two different versions.


Exactly. Though hearing “I’ve got a bone to pick with you” will never not be funny 🤣

Hey Riddle Riddle

Sorry about that, Ben. We aim for consistency, but we all take turns posting the episodes so there might be discrepancies week-to-week. We will try to be better about that!


All good, I spend the hour leading up to the old upload time checking to see if it is up yet. Might just have to get used to listening on a Thursday. Love the work you do, and as a Ben who's mum is named Julie this episode felt targeted at me 😅


There’s nothing I love more than the Clue Crew ripping into something they don’t know anything about like it couldn’t possibly be how it works and they’re dead on 😂 never let them see what happens behind the counter of a Starbucks


Llama Del Rey singing Young and Beautiful had me cackling.


Have you tried scheduling Patreon posts in advance? Then we could get them at the same time each week (and the same time as the ad-filled ep). https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031956632-Schedule-my-post


I love the lack of sponsored ads, but why is there still a message at the end asking us to subscribe to the Patreon? We’re here! Ya already got us, ya fucks! Love you guys. Keep the show great.


I love having the ad-free versions now so I can see everyone’s thoughts about the main feed ep’s! Thank you!


I just found out about Joe Hertler and the Rainbow Seekers last month. They have absolutely skyrocketed in my favs list! I'm with you Erin, please go off as much as you want on this great music!