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Wow the review crew had a wicked good time watching and talking about episode one of “This is a Robbery” on Netflix. Erin insisted. It’s a very entertaining art heist documentary that is really just a competition to see who can say the most quintessential Boston thing. Stick around for JPC’s iconic song about the Boston accent and let us know why lyrics you’d add!



The only thing truly remarkable about the robbery is that it didn’t happen sooner, honestly. The sole two points of security were a locked side door, used regularly at night (against the purported ‘rules’) by everyone from the guards to their direct boss to the director of the museum herself, and a panic button at a desk known to literally every past and present employee. That, plus the fact that the museum was largely ignored and unfunded by its board (leading to decisions to, for instance, not bother installing cameras inside), makes it a pretty straightforward target for anyone who was even a friend of a friend of a onetime employee.


I pissed off an igit outside o’ Dunkin’ Donuts and he threw his iced coffee at me 👏👏