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It's time again to decide our fate! Vote for what you want us to review in September and as always leave any options you'd like to see on a future poll in the comments! We're slowing trying to work them in!


The Clue Crew


R Qualls

I know I'm late and I am being specifically targeted because you have to rent it, but I am still strong in my campaign to nominate the Rankin/Bass Hobbit for Review Crew. It has some great and some awful music, it's the grandaddy of riddle mdia, and it stars acclaimed director John Huston as the voice of Gandalf. Review it you cowards!


Just writing in to suggest a film for y'all to review. There's an Indian murder mystery named Badla that is pretty badass. I would recommend this film for you to watch on Netflix. Even if you don't do a review, give it a view because it's still an awesome film with a few twists that are pretty good.