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August isn't just a month, it's also a character in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory...kind of? We hope all you Riddiots are safe and healthy and getting by as best you can! Take a few hours off social media to get high and watch Planet Earth or something! 

From Adal (Dr. Recommendations): 

I'm still doing NOOM and am now down a total of 17lbs which is pretty wild. I'm feeling good and hoping I can keep eating better. 

Jemma and I went to visit my mom a few weeks ago (only hung outside in the yard, masked and 6ft distance of course) and she made me take home a bunch of boxes from storage I had at her house since I left for college. I got them home and found it was my entire sports card collection which is about 18-20 boxes of cards. So for the last 2 weeks I've been going through them all and trying to figure out what to do with them all. It's overwhelming but also kind of fun? I found out that the card industry is in a boom and that boxes that sell for $20 at Target/Wal-Mart now sell online for $100-$250. So hey, if you see a box of NBA cards when you're shopping....pick them up and send them my way baybee! Gotta pick up a Zion rookie. But seriously, if you see those boxes, buy them and sell them on Ebay. Between going through these cards and loving The Last Dance, I'm getting back into basketball. I've been watching games the last 2 nights and very much enjoying it! I gotta support the Bulls and I'm a fan of Coby White but I have to admit it's very fun to watch Luka Doncic on the Mavs. Anyone here follow the NBA? 

Here's what I've been consuming: 


  1. Taste The Nation
  2. RuPaul's Drag Race: All-Stars season 4
  3. RuPaul's Drag Race: All-Stars season 5
  4. RuPaul's Drag Race: season 12
  5. Fuck That's Delicious Season 4
  6. Riverdale season 1
  7. Wife Swap
  8. Hot Mess House
  9. 30 For 30: Sole Man
  10. The Rooks
  11. Street Food: Latin America 


1. Hamilton

2. Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

3. The Social Network

4. The Heat Is Back On: The Remaking of Miss Saigon

5. The Old Guard

6. Palm Springs

7. Draft Day

8. White House Down


1. Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid On Earth

2.  The Dresden Files: Peace Talks

3. Antkind by Charlie Kaufman 

Video Games: 

1. Beat Saber PSVR

2. Headmaster PSVR

3. SuperHot PSVR

4. Tetris Effect PSVR - (Haven't played it yet but Casey gifted me a copy so I'm super excited to play!!)

5. Paper Mario: The Oragami King


1. Haim - Women in Music Pt. III

2. Taylor Swift - Folklore


Here's some new podcasts I've guested on in August! If you're looking for some new content please consider supporting some of these shows!

1. My episode of J.V. Club with Janet Varney is out now!

2. All's Fair in Lava And Floor

3. Welcome To Hell

4. Time Machine Talk Show

5. Break Room At The Cineplex

6. The Weekly Cooldown Podcast

7. Bit Storm podcast

8. Smallwood Sessions

9. SPEW: Spectrum People Enjoying Wizardry

10. Review Revue (with Erin and JPC!)

11. The Unsociablists

12. Quiz Quiz Bang Bang Fundraiser episode which you can find at Quizbangpod.com/TriviaAction 

Adal's Gourmet Corner: 

1. Only 4 words baybee! JOYVA CHOCOLATE COVERED HALVAH. You're welcome

And last and certainly least, here's my August playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7E2eyOdTBijfnT5cFXQyA4?si=pge8X8uhQxGTwh5_YeGEoQ 

love, Skull Daddy Addy

From Erin: 

Hi everyone!

I got Covid so I’ve been completely locked away in my condo like some kind of sick and sad Repunzel.

I’ve been sleeping a lot and recently rewatched Frontier house which is PBS show from 2002. I think it’s been my favorite watch of this whole quarantine. I don’t want to spoil anything but it’s more batshit insane than any reality tv I’ve ever seen.

You can watch bad quality videos of it on YouTube or buy the dvds. PBS makes it really hard for you to see it which makes it even more mysterious.

Here is a playlist that I’ve been playing a lot around my place recently. Just comforting songs!


Love you bugs!


From JPC: 

July was a busy month! I'm excited to announce my buddy Johnny O'Mara (Campaign Podcast) and I have been working on a new podcast called Billbuds and it's going to be coming out in August (tentatively 2nd week of August.) We are both huge fans of pop music, completely without irony. Pop music is good to listen to and I'll die on that hill. Every week we are reviewing a pop album and then attempting to rank them on our Top 100 of All Time list. It's been really fun to work on the show, especially learning how to edit audio. It's weird to have been working in podcasts for 7 years without ever tackling the production side of things, but doing it now feels equal parts frustrating and rewarding. I bought a couple classes with the one-and-only Casey "Audio Daddy" Toney and it gave me a newfound respect for the work he does for HRR. He's such an excellent teacher and I hope that he can one day turn his knowledge into some kind of video series. If you ever get the opportunity to hire Casey, I can't recommend it enough. 

As far as recommendations, I've been playing Outer Wilds on Twitch and it's super fun. I won't say much about the game if you haven't played (I knew nothing going in which made it better) but you might like it if you like games that are non-combat oriented, puzzle/mystery oriented space exploration. If you want to watch me play it, you can always check out twitch.tv/sharkbarkman. Also been playing WAY too much Monster Train. I'm now doing the Covenant+ challenges when I should be sleeping. It's a very fun game to dump your life away into. 

I was trying to think of what I've been watching, but I honestly don't think I have anything to recommend. Mariah and I watched a cooking competition show on Netflix called The Final Table, but you can skip it. It bills itself as a cooking show that pits the world's best chefs against each other but it absolutely suffers from a lack of representation. I also found out after we watched it that it's like 3 years old, so not exactly breaking news. I've also been in the same room as some Real Housewives of Potomac. Another big pass from me. I promise I'll let you know if I ever watch something I enjoy. 

Hope everyone is staying as healthy as possible! 


Other Stuffs: 

1. We're recording our August livestream for $8 tier this Sunday the 2nd so that will be out very soon! If you have questions or talking points for us and you're apart of that tier, please put them in the Discord under #live-stream-chat

2. Our August Review Crew is the Netflix original movie Murder Mystery starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. We're very surprised, but delighted, that it won the recent poll!

3. TeePublic was having a sale if you were looking to grab some HRR merch! Not sure if it'll still be on by the time this posts, but check here to see: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/hey-riddle-riddle?ref_id=9168 

that's all for now! As always, let us know what YOU RECOMMEND in the comments! We're always looking for some good media to consume!


Adal, Erin & JPC



Oh no, Erin

Kathleen Sawisky

Just finished reading Malorie by Josh Malerman. It's the sequel to Bird Box. I know, I know, the movie was okay but the book was honestly amazing so if you haven't read it I highly recommend it. It's beautiful and scary and lyrically written. Malerman has this great ability to address the concept of madness outside of what the creatures do. Malorie was a great follow-up, albeit not as lyrical. Still phenomenal! Adal, sink your teeth into the Charlie Parker series by John Connolly. Mystery with a hint of supernatural as you go. Personally I think you can skip the first two as he's getting his feet wet. Start with The Killing Kind. You don't have to read in order but it's fun to tackle it from the almost start.


Midnight Riot (Rivers of London series) is a fun modern magical setting in London, if you are looking for new books.


I'm so sorry to hear that, Erin. Hope you're doing okay with it. I had it back in March/April. It was pretty debilitating. Something to look out for, I had heard that it gets worse right at the end of the illness, and that's how it worked for me as well. I had been feeling better then one day I was so wiped out I even had to take a nap during my lunch break (working from home).

Darren Le

Hoping you will get well soon Erin. Sending all the love from me and my siblings who are addicted to the podcast


Oh no, Erin! I hope you're okay and recover soon. (Can't just go down a line on my phone so here's this instead) Got a recommendation for JPC (and/or others): Round the Twist, an Australian kids' show initially based on very strange books and co-written by their author. It's real, real weird, from the 90s and very early 00s, but I rewatched a bunch recently and imo it holds up pretty well. You'll either think it's the dumbest or funniest shit in the world, and either way you'll be right.


Bingo bango ha ta ta-ke it easy and get well soon, Erin!


Erin! Get well soon! I love this podcast, it keeps me alive working alone during quarantine. 🖤 Bingo, bangor, hat ta ta!


Adal, when you say Welcome to Hell, do you mean Good Morning From Hell, and if not where can it be found? I'm really struggling to find it.


Adal, I recommend the This is How You Lose the Time War. It’s an excellent time-travelling love story, and just won the Hugo for Best Novella.


Get well soon Erin!


Take care and get well soon Erin!