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Beverley Condolences, Fladorius Plomp, and Felix Missingson are back and ready to help  with love in the time of quarantine! They took real questions sent in by YOU on Instagram! This episode has Plomp Sauce, Sesame Street characters, and more CBS actors than you can count! What a mess! If you need any relationship advice email Hrrpodcast@gmail.com



Loved you guys on review revue this week!


Great news: ZoomGroom.com is still available


I’m so happy I’m not the only person who still knows to much about True Blood


There will never be enough Hey Relationship Relationship in my life. Nice to have you back, Felix!


I just want a shirt that says Plomp Sauce: put your limp dick in it!

Christina Prendergast (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 06:03:40 I'm so glad I bought the $8 tier! you guys are getting me through COVID & surgery. Love you all. I listen to every episode of magic tavern which is how I found hey riddle riddle. I've heard all of those episodes and all of these! big hugs to you all. PS I love JP riddles
2020-07-22 05:46:07 I'm so glad I bought the $8 tier! you guys are getting me through COVID & surgery. Love you all. I listen to every episode of magic tavern which is how I found hey riddle riddle. I've heard all of those episodes and all of these! big hugs to you all. PS I love JP riddles

I'm so glad I bought the $8 tier! you guys are getting me through COVID & surgery. Love you all. I listen to every episode of magic tavern which is how I found hey riddle riddle. I've heard all of those episodes and all of these! big hugs to you all. PS I love JP riddles


Felix is, like all of JPC's characters, slowly turning into JP Riddles