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Okay, so, FULL DISCLOSURE, we did not know that this reboot would be nothing like the original. We got tricked and now you are all getting tricked as well! So we reviewed episode 1 and 5 of the new Netflix Unsolved Mysteries reboot. The first one is just kind of sad but the fifth one is about aliens so stick with it! 



Thanks for doing the alien episode!! Yikes on this one though: https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2020/7/6/21312076/unsolved-mysteries-revival-review-patrice-rob-endres-dottie-caylor


"I'm the oooooold guy." 🤣

Ultimate Dragon

Y’all should absolutely 100% look into Ready or Not. So very very fun, and mysterious enough to pass the smell test!


Ohhhh, y'all, you missed out on the last one (number six). It's crazier than JP Riddles in a sack of raccoons


I haven't been to Baltimore since maybe 2008 but I can say I saw the largest rat in my life there. I'm talking the size of a Garfield-fat cat


I watched the first episode in preparation for this episode and like five minutes in I was like "I cannot wait to see what The Review crew is going to do with this!"


So I started watching the first ep, & realized that I lived mere blocks from the Belvedere when that tragedy occurred. I don't recall ever hearing about it, but in doing a couple minutes of research, found that my former creative writing advisor not only lived in that building at the time of Rey's death, but she spent ten years writing a book on it. I'm utterly bewildered. Haven't watched any more eps yet, but def gonna watch the other one you covered.




You guys should defs consider the movie Game Night. It's not suuuper mystery-y but it does revolve around a kidnapping and even has some riddles! It's also very very funny and a pretty underrated film all round.


I was JUST fanboying to a friend about that 30 Rock episode. “That paint is drying weird.”


To kind of explain the true crime obsession, at least for a lot of women and former victims of assault, it’s been shown to reduce anxiety in some people. It’s kind of a way to feel like we can take back our power by learning as much as possible and know how to avoid certain things. We feel like we’re better prepared. Especially for people in a higher risk category (young women), it’s almost like us keeping the knowledge and power in our court and feeling empowered. Also I’d love to do a podcast devoted to victims who often don’t get attention. Like victims of color, trans victims, etc.


@jpc the house I rent in NJ is 160 years old