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First and foremost, Hey Riddle Riddle is a comedy podcast. We try to provide humor, joy and maybe a little escapism for our listeners. But we also have a platform that reaches thousands, so we owe it to ourselves and the betterment of humanity to use our reach to speak out in a critical moment. We believe that Black Lives Matter and we support the protests in the streets all across the world to that end. Racism is not and never could be a political issue. It is a human rights issue. On March 13th, the police murdered Breonna Taylor in her bed. On May 25th, the police murdered George Floyd in the street. Michael Brown, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, this disturbing list goes on and on. We must remember their names, but for every name that the media reports on, there are hundreds more that are not. We have a system of structural racism, violence, and police brutality that disproportionately affects Black and Brown people, which is an outrage. 

We implore our listeners to examine how both personal and systemic racism, influence your daily life, and then think about how it impacts the lives of others in your community. It is our duty to continually unlearn and decondition ourselves from racist thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Now is the time to examine our own biases and do the hard work by becoming part of the anti-racism movement. White people are guilty of passively benefitting from a racist criminal justice system, even if we have no awareness of that benefit—which is our privilege. That privilege demands examination and we can all always be doing more to listen and educate ourselves. To that end, please check out these anti-racism resources from blacklivesmatter.com

Please do whatever you can to support those fighting for social justice on the ground. This month, we are donating $3000 to organizations supporting the efforts of the BLM protests. If you can join and attend protests near you, do so. (Be safe, wear masks, social distance when you can). If you can’t join a protest, donate to causes supporting the movement like bail funds. If you can’t donate, you can help amplify the message that Black Lives Matter. Engage people in your life who may not understand the heart of the movement and share resources with them. We can all be a part of making this world a better place, but it will take a lot of hard work, overcoming fear, and leading from a place of compassion.  

Thank you for reading. Thank you for your support. We love you and look forward to building a world of equality and justice. 

- Hey Riddle Riddle



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