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  • thelibrarianhypno_hypnovideo_diaper_changing.mp4



Every dry diaper is meant to be dirty, and every pleasurably dirty diaper eventually needs to be changed. After the thrill of the squish is gone, no baby can resist having a squeaky clean butt, a puff of baby powder, a dab of cream, and a new thick and comfortable and warm diaper, ready to be messed again. 

In my newest subliminal, learn to crave the feeling of having your loving caretaker change your dirty diaper, becoming aroused at the thought of how intimate a diaper changing can be, and finding yourself easily and naturally messing your diaper and crying unconsciously in anticipation for your change. Learn to associate the smell of baby powder and diaper cream with the love and affection that comes from your smart and dominant parent cleaning you.

Watch “Diaper Changing,” and discover a new favorite part of your day.


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