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  • thelibrarianhypno_hypnovideo_Messy_Pants.mp4



Every baby dreams of messing their adorable diapers uncontrollably and without constraint so that they can just relax and be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. This file works to help you relax and forget your troublesome grown-up responsibilities in order to ensure that you never desire to ever pee or poop in a boring and gross adult toilet ever again.

Listen as you learn to unconsciously release your bladder and bowels naturally like a little child in any kind of situation that you might find yourself in. Discover yourself developing a deep inner pride whenever you successfully mess yourself in front of others, and learn how much joy you gain from never having to become anxious or worried or sad from having to find a confusing restroom whenever you desire to relieve yourself in your future.

Learn to give up your boring adult responsibilities and find comfort in your “Messy Pants.”


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Yeah I’m not sure why , must be something on my end. Great video though , I just don’t hear any sound with it :(.


Hi There, I just watched on my end and the sound seems to be working fine. Some audio players may have trouble reading parts of the file (I know that I have had trouble in the past with QuickTime). I would suggest opening the video in another media player and trying again. Let me know if you still have trouble in the future. xoxo, thelibrarian


Got it to work. Love it !