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Hi Beauties,

It’s been a long 2020 for us all, and I wanted to give you a quick update on some of the changes you may have noticed and some new things that I have coming!

Firstly, I will be changing what each tier receives as part of their membership. Since the introduction of the wildly popular HypnoVideos in May, I have gone from my old release schedule of two subliminals and an induction per month, to a release of 2 subliminals, a HypnoVideo, and an induction per month with a release every Saturday. Beginning in January 2021, HypnoVideos will be a Brainwash Slut exclusive. So if you are currently a Basic Bitch considering upgrading, I suggest you take advantage of the 10% discount on the Annual Membership option.

Secondly, you may have noticed a few re-uploads of “HypnoVideo - Baby Loves Binkies” Due to the content in my HypnoVideos I am unable to embed them here on Patreon for easy viewing, going forward you can download the file directly from the post for view on your own media player.

Lastly, you may be asking, why have you made these changes Mistress Libby? Because my dear beauty, I am working on new content! Coming in 2021 will be launching my brand new hypnosis enhancing app, LibbyLingo. Upper tier Patrons (Brainwash Sluts and above) will have early access and free premium LibbyLingo membership with tons of lessons to remind you how to be the person you have always wanted to be each and every day. Because I have to develop from scratch in Unity and create all of the artwork, this is a labor of love, so please bear with me on the changes I’ve made to the structure of memberships and the time it will take to release this exciting new product!

I’m very excited to see what the future holds, I would not be here without you, my wonderful Patrons. Please let me know what you think in the comments section below and I look forward to ringing in the new year with you. Thank you all so much for your continued support!

Mind your Mistress and remember to always stay beautiful!





Wow, an app sounds interesting!