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Introducing Domina: The Card Game.

Just a side little project (or obsession) of mine, Maple Hills will feature collectible cards based on the expanded Domina universe. You'll be able to loot, buy or steal these and they will be worth quite a bit, based on their rarity (green < red < purple < gold) and which edition they're from (1st is best). You can trade them with NPC collectors or keep them to build the ultimate deck. There is actually a point to collecting them for yourself, as each card will feature a sort of mini sex scene attached to it in your collection album, featuring the character the card portrays. The mini scenes will feature the specific fetishes each includes right before it starts, so you can skip reading those you're not into and put them on the selling pile, while keeping your favorite fetish scenes for yourself. We're also using this system to continuously expand on Domina's lore, before Domina 2 starts development; so for the first time you'll get to know all the creatures, servants and demons that reside in each Domina's expanded realm, other than the Lost.

We'll include more information on this system as we continue developing it :).




That’s pretty cool! Definitely gonna collect them all


Step aside yugioh, finally an adult card game. Wonder if the fate of the world will hinge on winning… :P