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A bit delayed this one, I was sick for a few days but thankfully I have recovered.

As a continuation of last week's diary, I would like to expand on the combat side of the game a bit more. Maple Hills will not feature an infinite enemy system like Domina's rooms of Lost Champions, nor will it feature the random encounter system that is native to RPGMaker. On the contrary, each dungeon will have a preset amount of enemies, designed and placed lorefully to either be on patrols or on whatever job they're doing, and they're going to charge at you as soon as you approach too close, initiating combat. Defeating the enemy in combat will remove him from the map, meaning you'll be able to fully clear dungeons and collect the bounties for doing so by the College Administration. As mentioned last week, losing in combat will force a sex scene on the player as the people you've been fighting (the girls at least) take on abusing you and then throwing you outside the dungeon injured. Taking on new fights with the 'Injured' debuff (like going back inside the dungeon after getting thrown out) is not advised, as your stats will be lowered and losing again will send you all the way back to the College City's hospital with an even more crippling debuff that will take a while to go away. This promotes careful playing and trying to keep your health as high as possible after each fight, as you're getting closer and closer to the boss room, as exiting a battle doesn't heal you back up to full automatically and healing supplies can only heal so much. This also promotes going back to town after a dungeon clear for a rest, instead of just healing to full immediately and knocking out 7 dungeons in a row. 

Combat will still be first person like in Domina (you are basically seeing through your character's eyes), but you'll potentially be able to control the actions of more than your character, if you choose to have a follower with you. Something like this will be likewise implemented for the next version of Domina as well, during your time in Raa's Pyramid Kingdom. More on the follower system in future logs.



Sounds cool I look forward to playing