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I've just sent out the link to all Puppies. Newly pledged Puppies after this point should message me to receive the link as well. Puppies from June, as well as everyone who supported Shakie in her hour of need a few months ago, may do the same as well.

Thank you.



Shakie is the one who does the artwork? Is there somewhere I can find their devientart or patreon?


as far as I can tell all the all bugs that were in the previous version are still there zoes date bugs (but if i go into rpg save editor and uncheck date planned) and reschedule a date it seems I can progress a little more the test day still black screens the hunger and energy are still a huge issue (even if youre eating 4x a day) its still is not enough (I had to cheat to give myself money to do this) so im pretty sure its impossible to manage without cheating


Here's hoping domina update is next