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Aloha you all,

I will get the 3 Pictures for this month done in time!

The Last weeks I got so busy :/

Normally I take around 3 Squirrels into my home for care.

At the moment I am at 11... So many animals that need help.

I get around 4 Hours sleep at night.

Dont want to exscuse my passiv style - just want to explain why I only get the promised amount of pictures done at the moment.

If you have questions - just ask

I Hope you can understand me a bit 

Upload Coming soon!



Honestly, I think it is so cool that you take care of squirrels! Since moving to the desert in the US from the East Coast, I’ve really missed the site of them scurrying across the grass and hanging out in the trees. I hope your able to get a little more sleep in the future, but I’m sure your basketball team of squirrels appreciate your love and attention.