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Alot of my Art got Stolen.
Over the Last few days I was making alot of effort the remove mostly all of it.
I even had to involve my lawyer. Sad.

This will happen again I am pretty Sure.
From now on I will include a little Watermark / Name on my Pictures to at least maybe get some Views from stuff Like that.
It's fetish Art yes but I am a bit hearthbroken right now.

I put alot of effort into my pictures and it's just plain sad when people do stuff Like this.



I have another artist friend this happened to and the bastards even put it behind a paywall and were making money off it I hope you sue their asses off!


Just disgusting. I will Talk with my lawyer next week If and what Options we have there


Stop stealing art. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing it “for the boys” because you’re still causing these creators to suffer.