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Hi everyone, I'm working like crazy on trying to get the next update out before end of month. It might be on the last day as I've run into some issues like having to rewrite a whole event nearly (AV)

If you aren't on the discord, above (click the wixstatic link if it doesn't show the video to open in new window) is a small preview of what's happening.

Basically the main part is that Overworld tinies (the outside open world ones) have been overhauled, when you interact with a tiny it will randomly generate details about them from 4 types:

  • Citizen
  • Non-Citizen
  • Unknown (Usually Tiny Born and not downsized so no info on them)
  • TRF Sympathsizer
  • Avalon Verdict Target (Any Citizen/Non-Cit/TRF has a 1 in 10 chance to be one)

There's over 100 first names, last names, and highly randomized from a big list for DOB, Occupations, Reason for Citizenship loss, evidence of helping TRF etc etc. Tinies will be ordered into 5x different items. I'm currently trying to update stuff like AV Tinies into using these and other stuff like selling them as the original item will be discontinued. This makes it feel more personal and alive with tinies. 

There's 40+ different tiny images (20 male or female) that is decided on scan. If you battle them you even get the tiny you see scanned in the battle! Battles are also being changed to allow them to damage Tsumi but I might make it they can't yet as I have to still update TRF and add their tanks etc. If you get beat in battle you won't get anything fancy but a very explosive off Tsumi... Literally. 

It might seem like a small update but I've had to make sprites/animations etc for her 4 main outfits (Normal/Gym jogging/Indulgence Red Dress/Japanihon) including battles! Battles now change her shoes depending what she's wearing. For Japanihon I might not make them available there yet as their system is different for tinies and I also want to try add in Japanese/Asian specific names and faces etc. Especially as they don't have the same Citizenship rules there and every tiny is fair game outside their cities.

I apologize to those who were expecting the generic Japanihon event where the randomly generated girls eat you. But I had a mental breakdown these past 2 months and I didn't want to start something that's massive and stop half way. Overworld tiny update I thought would be much more managable and I keep getting messages about how to get tinies so thought it'd be better to do first. I don't like half assing my work at all (it's also my personal motivator to do the best I can to a certain standard always) and I want to add more on than just those generic girls being images that eat you, but continue day after or giving control on sushi plates for you as a tiny. It's a big thing to do and make it interact and the system to remember.

I'll put everything in full patch notes when the next version comes out. I'm aware I've got a few custom requests to make and put in, if I miss them in this update then they'll be put in the next one and I'll give you a free copy of the game if you need to unsub as it's unfair on you! Also I will most likely be removing custom npc from the $15 tier after the next update due to how long they take me as I really want to finish up Tsumi and move on to adding in proper story and the next game.

Next month I'll be getting Danielle's Executrix story finally made but the cost has gone up between $400-600 so I might have to budget around that for images/assets. I might have to make it for the $15 or $10 tier first, then the main $5 one after a month or 2 to recuperate. Not sure if my artist will get back to me in time for the comic page but one of the pages is of Dani slurping up tinies through her straw from the tinies POV.


(No title)



you are such a hard working person, thank you for all your work!

daichi777 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 19:08:28 Thank you for the compliment <3 It honestly goes a long way.
2023-07-27 07:46:16 Thank you for the compliment <3 It honestly goes a long way.

Thank you for the compliment <3 It honestly goes a long way.