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GiantessCity Thread - Click Me

Ekas Thread - Click Me

  • Note for those who joined recently from F95:

I apologize for what happened. The only reason that specific anti-pirate version existed was because I've been struggling to get the next update out for everyone, I was getting targeted abuse, and impersonated by someone because I was trying to stop people from falling for a reseller who was trying to scam others like those robo phonecalls. The easiest and quickest way for me was to modify a Russian Roulette version that wasn't easy to tell if it was real, and spam upload to kem so only pirates like him could see and get the idea to back off (legit patreons don't see those posts). It did stop him I think, but then some random uploaded and spread it.

I'm still struggling solo with over 2x increased rent in a new place, my sisters suicide last year which I still haven't had time to just sit down and grieve from, dealing with last of kin issues whilst in another country, and my health and stress piling up for months which is through the roof and worry from not releasing updates for months. I apologize to people if that version had done something to your PC, previous ones would just give an error to discourage. But when you work full time like me, have 16 hour work days 6 days a week, and spend hundreds to thousands on assets per update excluding time etc. If you were in my position and being killed literally because you can't afford basic things like medicine, let alone being treated like you're human because you simply make adult content. You'd have to do something about it too. My apologies for what happened again.

What's New!

IMPORTANT: This update is the biggest I've ever done in terms of area and the most complicated, this is Part 1 of 2 for this section of the game. The main update is the basic area of Japanihon, and the focus has been put on funny cutscenes from Shrink High, and the tiny minigame for exploration and lore. The event tracker IS NOT updated due to how much I had to take out to get this version out in time for end of March. There may be bugs (Miyu's attack animation is currently bugged out as she should be shooting a bow but I cannot fix it this month sorry!) so please let me know if you come across any for me to fix as that is how big this update was that I couldn't playtest it all multiple times. I think I made close to 150 custom sprites for this alone.

Japanihon: ON TUESDAYS (So if starting new, do 1 in game day and sleep first), Jiayi will give Tsumi a phone call in her apartment to ask if she can go to Japanihon to collect a package for her, and to help out the new CEO there. You can travel freely to Japanihon and back after you collect the package for Jiayi. To do so just go to Shrinkex there to get it off her or her assistant. There is only 1 time of day there and Tsumi can sleep at the hotel (which will do nothing but update the day until I fix overworld tinies and add them to Japanihon too). If you find a bus stop, interact with it to unlock a fast travel point! Currently Shrinkex/Chisana's is unfinished and has no other npc's in them, but they have save points and some flavour for you.

Eat Tiny Cakebites: A new animated event (and will be voiced in part 2 update) of Tsumi eating tinies in cakebites. Highly randomized. Added in the option to show the chewed remains in her mouth before she swallows due to feedback.

Eat Biggo's Pizza: Similar to the Tiny Cakebites but with a small pizza. You may recognize the 2 servers. Be sure to talk to them!

Explore a take on Shrink High: Ajia was a student at the time and part of the Advanced Sciences Society during the events of Shrink High. There are currently 4x funny cutscenes/events to find and view. I will be looking to add at least 1 more in Part 2. If you enjoyed these please let me know if I should make more. The map for Shrink High is a 1:1 of the original also but with slight changes as it is now a University.

New Tiny Minigame World: This thing was the 2nd biggest focus of this update and gave me many sleepless crunch nights these 2 months. There may be bugs so please let me know about them and feedback if it's good/what's needed etc.

You play as a Tiny born called Alex (Can be male/female) during the events of Shrink High. The core of this update is in where you can find randomly spawning resources/enemies and explore a small area of the school garden. The giantess content for this minigame is unaware (of Alex). You can also recruit a shrunken student called Miyu who is the only known female mysteriously downsized at the time. This core of this update is in Part 1, but there is only 1 tiny you can rescue currently if you find him, and he doesn't unlock anything in Tsumi's world just yet. Part 2 will have more tinies and their small stories and will give hints to Tsumi on places in her world and time if you save them. People who love being tiny, lore, humour, and going on adventures will enjoy this update the most. There are only 3 types of enemies so far, Garrisen's been busy lately and I couldn't afford to get more battlers made yet. Due to the scale of the world, Alex carries a map so pay attention to it! Save crystals are all underground and can teleport Alex back to the main base if needed. There are 11 resources to gather and craft things with. I couldn't make the animations for mining/cutting/gathering yet. But I need feedback on this minigame to perfect it for people first.

Smaller updates & Patches

- Handbag items renamed to Inventory (Blame Alex), shared with Alex and items cannot be used by Tsumi (HP potion etc). I abandoned the 2nd inventory swap out as after extensive testing it deleted it once randomly.

- 2x New main menu screens of Ajia animated. (Needs a game save detected to see other randomized title screens).

- Added 10 new loading screen images (20 total now) and changed transition to be smoother. Added loading circle to corner. Fixed a few day/weekend return timing and options so load screens don't randomly disappear.

- Capture Tiny option removed from battles (Needed to for now as was working on overworld tiny update. Buy tiny's for now from Metro West shop).

- Membership cards updated

- Yufukuna has added bathroom pic for game over if filter is off.

- Tsumi's DOB changed to 8th of August 94 due to the threats she's sent me for not making her a vore goddess. Previously 29th Nov 94. Shows on her passport.

- Weekend Events & Fast Travel: Fixed Tsumi to change into work attire if wearing bikini/gym before continuing.

- Stopped Tsumi from using the toilet if she's in her bikini (Outfits are a nightmare to keep track of GAH)

Known Bugs To Fix:

- Miyu's default attack and special are not playing right. Should be fixed in Part 2

Final Notes:

Sorry again everyone for how long this update took, I didn't want to release it before because while there are so many new areas (essentially whole of Metro), they would be devoid of content past basic filler walking NPC's. I really need a break and to try switch off my mind and grieve. I want to try get back to bimonthly/monthly updates. I still need to add in Shrinkex Japan's jobs, sort voice lines and add them in (aside from cakebite/pizza. Bathroom use in Japanihon will have different lines if she ate in Japan they day before), add more tinies to be found in Alex's world, and Make a massive event for Chisana's where you're the tiny being eaten instead. I am planning to try get around 10 templates made of random Japanese females next month that will mix and match so it will feel like multiple random women eating there. Sadly I don't think I will have funds to do an artbatch for April because of how much those assets will cost me but I think you'd prefer it go towards the game anyway.

Please give me feedback on Alex's mini game story. I hate grinding RPG Battles hence why I never did them. And I need to hear if things are too easy/hard/boring etc. There will be more added to it so don't worry. I won't spoil the underground area for Alex's game, but I've added a small overworld map for Japanihon above. 


EDIT: I also added in Blitz (custom NPC), and I haven't forgotten the supporters list names. I'm just going to be loading everyone who ever signed up for $10+ tiers (minus those who have told me not to put them on it before) in a future version and making something new from that due to the amount of people I have to update in there making it a nightmare.




Thank you for your work! And sorry for all those problems, it will be better soon!


I wish. The reason I had to put the F95 note was because there were so many and I felt bad as it was never intended to spread like that. Because of what that specific version can do that they got I wouldn't be surprised if some came to just do retaliation because they have no idea what happened.


my email is never going to work so i need a pm


there is not enough supplies i cant build rope


I forgot to mention. Every map has a 1 in 5 chance to despawn everything and respawn everything again randomly. I did it this way so players would be forced to explore more without having to exit the game and go back in just to reset the resources. Every map has a random value of what resource it can spawn if there's things like mushrooms etc there. The main underground cavern has tons of resources once you unlock it. Resources usually have a default setting chance of spawning 0-3 resources of each time. Some maps are different however and have it more or even less. Example this map shows how it works for it: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706364229581799446/1091787731824279573/image.png


Well, I'm in love with this new area. Very refreshing to visit. Lots to discover.


I LOVED THE ALEX Minigame, that was amazingly fun to play through and I love the little side jabs and even tiny bit of conflict/tension with alex and miyu


i must be playing the game wrong, i only see Northside, and Metro Central, West(park). how can get to Indulgences?? my game version is 2.8


Press ESC and the event tracker tells everything. Indulgence/Angels Aerie are only on weekends.