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Only 4 days left to vote in our " Choose the Villainesses poll "

Poison Ivy and Catwoman are still leading if only by a hair. Meanwhile we revamped our Catwoman model taking inspiration from her look in the Arkham City videogames.

Also don't miss our patrons only poll " Should we have characters with smaller breasts? "

As far as production goes we're currently focusing on "The Cephalopod strikes!", finger crossed we'll reach the half-point by Sunday; we should have some juicy sneak peeks by then.

Stay tuned!



The Silver Socialist

Is there any chance you could give her a mask that covers part of her face while still staying true to the Arkhamverse style?


There are been so many version of Catwoman's costume and mask that pretty much everything goes but the most recent versions in both the comics and other media tend to be some variation of this. For the near future we'll probably use this model but we may make a panel with the original costume some day.


Thanks for the reference pics, I think we did a pretty good job with her face, as for the costume we wanted something a bit more elaborate. Personally my favorite is the old purple catsuit but it's relatively plain and in a 3d render it doesn't look very impressive