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Dear Patron of the Educational Reform Venture,

You are cordially invited to afternoon tea at the country residence of Paul Mykock.

Please arrive via the east wing helipad. The west wing helipad is closed for repairs.

Kindest regards,

Reilly Goodhead

N.B. This is a standalone special where you take the role of one of the school's anonymous owners. It is set after the events of Maxine's fundraiser, so please make sure you are up to date with the main game before playing. All the options presented to the player are options in our latest Patreon poll, which will be in a separate post. I am releasing this to everyone, however, only patrons on the teacher ($10) and above tiers can cast their vote in the actual poll. You can download the game directly from this post or from Itch.



I hope Reilly not being a member of faculty doesn't disqualify her from earning a good session OTK for taking matters into her own hands...


I can't get this to play on joiplay no matter where i download it. Am i missing something?.


...I was literally drinking lapsang souchong when Paul called for more. A man of taste, he is.


I loved it! so bad i had not time to play it in time in september... so maybe i could vote it