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Version 0.13 of the headmaster is in the later stages of development and we are now ready to set a release date. We are aiming to release the beta version on August 27th (to all patrons $10 and up). We have made a lot of improvements to the code so we are going to give ourselves a little extra time for beta-testing. Therefore the main release will be on September 10th (to all patrons $5 and up) and a public release on October 8th.

There are two main parts to the update. One will see the completion of Rachel’s punishment system to level ten and the exciting conclusion to her storyline. We’ll also see a lot of character development for Sally as she helps the headmaster cure Rachel of her body envy once and for all. The other branch of the update will include the long-awaited after-school staff training sessions. Claire and Debbie will be learning your punishment techniques using Amy as their training dummy. Then they will be putting their newfound skills to use around the school. The headmaster will also need to give Claire an important test to find out how far she is willing to go to master your disciplinary techniques.

We will be making better use of the unnamed background girls in the coming update (hence the 30% more naughty school girls claim) with new patrolling the hall's events and lots more peaking on random girls showering. I invested quite a bit of time in this update cycle improving our animation techniques and training a new animator to use our graphics software, so expect to see another big jump in animation quality. On top of that, there have been numerous quality of life improvements to the main UI, character logs, quest logs, the school board meetings and much more.

I will post a development update shortly for all patrons $5 and up with some more detail about the coming content. Plus there will be one final batch of image previews coming soon to patrons $10 and up.




Anthony Docimo

you are both awesome; thank you for the heads-up and all your hard work.


Is there an expect time at which the new version will be released tomorrow