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Hey guys,

I have a surprise treat for my heads of department. A special Halloween mini-game.

I was going to just do a custom image set of the girls trick or treating but then I thought it might be more fun as a little standalone mini-game. I’m still working on version 0.9 so I only had a limited amount of time to make this. Somehow I managed to make the whole thing from scratch in just under 24 hours. It’s not huge, maybe only 20 minutes of gameplay, but it’s still good fun and I’m feeling pretty pleased with what I made in such a short space of time.

The set up is it’s Halloween night and the girls are trick or treating. They’ve decided that the girls who collect the least candy will have to do a naughty dare. The gameplay is very simple and you just need to make sure only one team has just one portion of candy at the end.

I hope you guys enjoy it and it makes your Halloween a little more fun.

PC Version 

Mac Version 

Happy Halloween everybody!

Altos and Herdone




Hi Altos,When will you gonna release the beta version ?


Yeah, also waiting on the beta version. Around what time will it come out?


Just waiting for the android version to finish uploading. Shouldn't be more than 30 minutes and I'll post it all on Patreon. Links to the PC and Mac version are already up on the Discord.