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Hi guys, 

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote on our last poll. The poll is now closed and the results are in. As somebody pointed out in the comments some of these questions didn't have a simple yes or no answer and were open to some interpretation. Well, I'm sure you're all wondering how I plan to interpret these results, so let's run through them one by one. 

1. Rachel's tail should be a butt plug or strapped to her waist?

    a) Butt plug (315 votes - 89%)

    b) Strapped to her waist (39 votes - 11%)

    c) I want full neko! e.g. Real ears and tail. This is a bonus choice, please pick either A or B as well (118 votes 33%)

A butt plug was always my plan for Rachel's tail but I thought it fair to check that this is something people wanted to see. By an overwhelming nine to one margin, this was the case. So a butt plug it will be. I gave a bonus choice for this question asking if people would like to see Rachel as a proper neko girl and exactly one-third of you said yes to this. A not insignificant number but still a minority. This was a bonus choice because I am not promising to put anything like this in the game. I did have a short side story in mind for later in the game involving Rachel stealing one of Miss Chang's formulas. I think if a third of people were interested I could probably justify spending some time on it. We shall see.

2. More volleyball games or more football (soccer) in version 0.9? We'll have some of both but I'll probably need to prioritise one as crowd scenes are time-consuming.

    a) Volleyball (297 votes - 86%)

    b) Football (49 votes - 14%)

Not a huge surprise here. Everyone likes to look at hot girls in skimpy clothes jumping up and down. I was thinking of having the girls hold a sports tournament of some kind. Given people's preference for volleyball, we'll have that as the tournament sport. I do already have a few scenes written for the football storyline and I'll probably still do those anyway.

3. The blue cardigans, on or off as default in version 0.9? I'm thinking of writing that there will be a heatwave on campus at the start of 0.9

    a) I like the cardigans, keep them for now (99 votes - 28%)

    b) The less clothing the better. (247 votes - 72%)

I admit that the way I phrased the multiple-choice answers here might have slightly influenced people's votes. "The less clothes the better" won with 71% of the vote. So for the next version, the girls will be taking off their cardigans most of the time. However, I won't ignore the 29% who like the cardigans. Having the outfits change due to weather conditions rather than a new rule will allow me to still have some scenes with the cardigans on without breaking continuity. I do also plan to introduce a new rule in version 0.9 regarding what clothes the girls can wear but I'll keep that as a surprise.

4. Who should punish the twins through the punishment system, the headmaster and Sally or the headmaster and Claire?

    a) The headmaster and Sally (72 votes - 21%)

    b) The headmaster and Claire (267 votes - 79%)

This was something I was of two minds about. I felt like it might be nice to have some variation in the disciplinarian team for the punishment system. Claire needs to learn more punishment techniques and what better way to learn than for her and the headmaster to take one twin each across their knees. On the other hand, Sally is more experienced and she's already showed a willingness to engage in sexual acts with the students. I'm happy with everyone's decision to go with Claire though. You and Sally will get to punish lots of girls together and I think it's right to try out a different partner for the punishment game. 

Some people expressed concern that Claire's overly aggressive spanking of Mary in the last update meant that she would be the wrong person for this. I don't plan to just forget about what happened previously. Claire will have to win back the twins' trust before she will be able to punish them effectively. I have just the scene in mind for the three of them.

5. Who needs after school punishment training with the headmaster and Amy more: Debbie or Claire?

    a) Debbie (51 votes - 15%)

    b) Claire (26 votes - 8%)

    c) Both of them together (265 votes - 77%)

A very substantial majority opted for both Claire and Debbie together. However, the fact that people also voted to have Claire punish the twins does slightly impact this question. If Claire is going to be helping you punish the twins she'll get quite a bit of training that way. Debbie is really the one who needs the training with Amy more. So I think we'll definitely have some training sessions with both Debbie and Claire and we might also have some with just Debbie.

6. What are your feelings about girls with tattoos/piercings? To be clear, tattoos and piercings as a punishment will not be happening.

    a) Tattoos rule (124 votes - 41%)

    b) Piercings rule (100 votes - 33%)

    c) I don't care for either. (180 votes - 59%)

The majority of people said they didn't care for tattoos or piercings. So I don't think any of the new major characters will be having them (e.g. Zoe). However, a fairly substantial minority said they liked them and I think we can justify giving them to one or two of the more minor new characters or perhaps one of the existing characters we haven't seen without their clothes yet (admittedly, this is quite a short list).

7. I've aimed to have a mix of girls who are shaved/bushy/trimmed etc in the game. What do you think about the amount of pubic hair the girls have at the moment?

    a) More shaved girls, please (148 votes - 41%)

    b) More bushy girls, please (35 votes - 10%)

    c) You've got the balance about right. (179 votes - 49%)

So most people thought I had the balance about right at the moment with more people saying they wanted more shaved girls than more bushy girls. I take this to mean that I could shift the balance slightly toward the shaved side. So I'll keep things mostly as they are but we'll probably see a few more hairless pussys going forward.

8. Would you like to see more scenes with the girls being embarrassed in front of male strangers on campus (e.g. boys, locals from town, construction workers, visitors, parents etc)? Before anyone gets upset, this question is not about NTR or sharing which WILL NOT be in the game. This question relates only to other males witnessing punishments and nudity just as Mr Cummings did in version 0.6, for example.

    a) I'm happy to see the girls publicly humiliated more often in front of other males. (84 votes - 22%)

    b) I'm fine with that occasionally if the story demands. (255 votes - 66%)

    c) I don't want other men on campus for any reason (even knowing they won’t touch the girls). (47 votes - 12%)

So I confess that this question was the main thing I wanted to ask you guys about because it has been a point of controversy on the Discord.

A few times in the past I've discussed plans to have boys from the nearby boys’ school witness some of the girls’ public punishments as a way to increase the girls’ embarrassment. I felt that this was a logical escalation of the public punishments and a way to keep the girls feeling embarrassed even when they start getting used to being naked in front of each other and the headmaster.

Whilst many liked the idea, some people reacted very strongly against it. Honestly, I was quite taken aback by the visceral response to the mention of males on campus. However, it was impossible for me to tell if this represented a vocal minority of people or if this was how the majority felt. Hence the need to ask in a poll.

If the majority of you were really dead against other men witnessing punishments/nudity I was going to need to rethink parts of some upcoming storylines. In particular, Liz's exhibitionist storyline and also the storyline for Cassandra, with her showing some of the school's owners around being the hostess for a formal dinner party. I was also thinking about having some construction workers working in the sports centre to finish construction of the swimming pool. All of which may have had to change.

Clearly the majority of people are fine with at least the occasional use of male witnesses as a way to embarrass the girls. However, it's not something that I should overuse. That is pretty much how I feel about it myself and I can be a bit more confident now about some of the storylines I'm writing.

Rest assured that I'm not planning to flood the game with male characters. The software I use only has about 5 usable hairstyles for the males (compared to hundreds for the girls). So if we do ever see any boys from the boys’ school it would probably be in a blurred out background as in the concept image above.

9. Would you be interested in an optional storyline involving pregnancy? Now, I’ve used Sarah as the model here but this doesn’t mean I’ll definitely be using this character in this way.

    a) Hell yeah. (143 votes - 40%)

    b) I wouldn't mind a pregnancy storyline but it’s not my thing. (102 votes - 28%)

    c) Please no. (115 votes - 32%)

I've had people ask me about including a lot of more niche fetishes in the game and out of all of them pregnancy was the only one that I felt I might be willing to include.

The pregnancy fetish can be broken down into two main aspects, impregnating women and having sex with pregnant women. Some people are into the first and not so much into the second. I didn't specify in my question which one people enjoy but I'm going to assume that most people keen on a pregnancy storyline would be interested in both.

So there were three options here. A yes, no and I wouldn't mind but it's not my thing. 40% of people were very keen on a pregnancy storyline. 28% of people said they didn't mind and 32% were strongly opposed. 40% is a sizable proportion of people and clearly there is a demand for it. I feel that level of support justifies an optional short side story and one of several planned end game paths. However, I would say it doesn't justify any major storylines, gameplay mechanics or anything along those lines.

Some people stated their opposition to pregnancy due to story reasons. As they couldn't see how the headmaster could get away with impregnating one of his students. I would say to those people not to worry. There are lots of ways to get around this problem. I won't just be shoehorning anything in that doesn't fit with the story or that breaks immersion. Plus of course, everything will be optional with alternate paths to take through the game.

So thanks again everyone for taking part in our biggest poll to date with 370 people casting their votes. As always, I got lots of very useful information to help guide my decision making.




how come 40% is a substantial proportion so there's a demand for it when it comes to the pregnancy question, but when it comes to the piercing and tattoos question, witch one option reached the same percent, its just "alright so majority said no so we are all but sidelining it". not exactly giving some of these responses equal treatment. both options got a 2:3 ratio so if its enough to justify one, it should be enough to justify at least one main char having fitting body modifications, with possible side chars having a few if fitting (sure nina is the prime prospect there) Overall though do think you should do what best fits the char herself regardless. after all it is your story and vision, and while its good to get your audiences opinion, should always do whats best for the story first :)


I've tried to be as fair as I can be. I did say there was demand and I would add some tattoos. However, there is one major new character planned soon, Zoe and since the majority said they didn't like tattoos I won't be giving one to her. Other new characters and anyone not yet having appear naked yet are fair game and I'll have a think about what might be appropriate.


I think those are all very well reasoned pathways to take based on the survey results. Looking forward to future updates! The Pregnancy thing is not my jam but one can always just avoid it.


It seems reasonable enough. I admit I am not in tattoos and in the pregnancy thing, but I agree with PatreonPerv, you seem to have been fair in your assessment, and if one does not like a path, can always try to avoid it. Looking forward to the next build !