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Update: Android version also now available. Link at the bottom.

Hi guys, 

The 0.6.2 is now complete. There are a total of 5850 images in this version so up over 1500 from 0.5.3 with dozens of new animations and several new videos. I hope you all enjoy it.

There are two main aspects for this update. The first of which is Rachel’s punishment system. A Student Quest log for Rachel will start the morning after you spy on her room and see the event with Donna, Maxine and the ointment. The quest log will tell you exactly what you need to do then. Rachel’s punishment system is slightly more difficult than Debbie’s as she doesn’t suffer from the same weakness and you need to take your punishment actions in a more specific order. I suspect some people might struggle so I’ve included a mini walkthrough explaining exactly what to do.

The other main aspect is unlocking the ability to punish the girls yourselves. The conditions for the main quest A Man’s Work have been slightly changed. In addition to the previous requirements it will also now be necessary to make Debbie your Prefect before unlocking the rule to punish the girls yourself. Once you unlock this rule you will trigger a very large event (probably about a third of the whole update) where you hold a special assembly for the girls. My plan was to then update all the class scenes, patrol scenes etc but that turned out to be way too much work for one update. So for now the only effect of changing this rule will be to see this scene and also to punish Rachel yourself in the punishment system. 

Debbie also has a new scene in the punishment system once you unlock the ability to punish the girls. She now goes up to level six with a new reward scene. However, I haven’t made all the animations yet for the headmaster punishing Debbie. I also haven’t had time to add the new actions that we can use on Rachel.

Changes from the Beta Version:

To those that have played the 0.6 beta version. Firstly, a big thank you to all my beta testers and everyone who brought any bugs and typos to my attention.

There are a few extra scenes here. A first date with our PA Samantha (with a cameo from a new girl) and a brief follow up scene the next morning (where we meet Samantha’s sister). You can now speak to Ada on Monday afternoon in the classroom hallway. Some people didn’t notice Rachel’s follower icon right away so I made it a little bigger and brighter. I also added several extra mini interactions with Rachel as you move around the school, when you click her icon she’ll say something different depending on who is in the room. Plus there is one sexy bonus scene for Rachel after you get her to level 5 (click on the headmasters locker on a Thursday afternoon). 

I did say I would try to get Rachel up to level seven for the main release however this proved to be too much work. It also would have been a real shame to rush what I had planned for her so I’ll save the next part of Rachel’s storyline for version 0.7. This means I’ll also get to include a bunch of her content which I thought I was going to have to cut, including a mini-storyline involving Rachel’s computer game and some extra classroom scenes.

Important note: Please do not save the game at the beginning of the update when you are asked if you want to reset Rachel's content. That save file will be corrupt.


  • Punishment System implemented for Rachel up to level 5 (with three new punishment actions)
  • New student quest for Rachel including several new scenes (follow her quest log and check the replay menu to make sure you have seen everything).
  • New rule: Men are allowed to perform spankings (Triggers a major new scene but otherwise only affects Debbie and Rachel in the punishment system).
  • New rule: Girls must strip to underwear for punishment (currently only affects Debbie and Rachel through the punishment system).

New from 0.6 Beta to 0.6.2:

  • You can now go on a date with your P.A.Samantha. With a follow-up scene the next day.
  • Added one extra scene for Rachel after she gets to level 5 (click on the headmaster locker on a Thursday afternoon)
  • Added lots of extra small interactions with Rachel when she is following you around the school.
  • You can now talk to Ada on a Monday afternoon in the hallway.


PC Version 

Mac Version 

Android Version 

Mini Rachel Walkthrough 



Nice! :3


Game crashes load save


The problem is on android


I'm not exactly sure it's possible to transfer saves on Android. Can you post a screenshot of the error message over on the Discord?


I've been try to install on an Android also and it keeps failing. It keeps asking if it's an update to and existing app. I force stopped the app and it still gets all the way through the install process then fails. Do I need to uninstall the old version to install the new? Won't that loose my saves?


Hi Eric, I'm afraid I'm not sure what would cause that. You may need to do a fresh install. You can manually remove the save files before you uninstall and put it back again afterwards. Look in the folder Android/data/the headmaster/files/saves. I can't promise it will work though.


I ended up uninstalling and doing a fresh start with the new update. I did try what you suggested, but it didn't take. That could be operator error though. Since I knee what to expect it didn't take me long to get back to where I was though. Thank you for your efforts.