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 Hi guys,

Just to quickly update everyone on what we have been up to the last couple of weeks. As I said when I made the last release, we’re planning on releasing a small update (small by our standards anyway, it will still be around 10,000 words and around 300 renders) before moving with version 0.6. This was to add some significant content for the twins plus several other scenes that ended up being cut from version 0.5. Well that’s still the plan and we should be releasing a beta version (which we’ll call 0.5.3) around September 13th.  

In other news we also have a new poll going on at the moment for our $10 and above patrons for some new character designs. These new girls are mostly to add a little diversity in terms of size, shape and skin tone to the general background characters around the school. However, one or two of the girls (depending on who wins the poll) will go on to become very important characters, most notably a new bad girl / student antagonist (now that Debbie is our Prefect). The arrival of this girl to the school (probably in version 0.7 or 0.8) will really shake up the whole school dynamic and introduce a number of new challenges to the game. We’ve really needed a properly bad girl at the school for a while plus I love writing parts for a villain (as you may have noticed) so I’m quite excited about this.

Well before any new girls arrive though, we’ve got a lot of things planned for the existing girls. We’ll see the first proper punishment scene for the twins in the mini update next weekend. Then in version 0.6 we’re also going to have a big focus on Rachel and Amy with an expansion of the punishment system. We are also already working on the animations and dialogue for mc punishing girls himself. It's going to be a huge amount of work to make them all so you may need to bear with us for a while. It will be worth the wait though.  



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