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Hi guys,

So you saw the mens changing rooms in the last update and now here is the girl’s one! It looks like the girls have just finished their sports lesson and are getting ready for the next class. It might be a while before the headmaster convinces the school board to allow him access to this room but here is a sneak peak just for you guys. 

Sorry that it’s been so long since I posted something for my $20 patrons. It was a real struggle to get the last update complete whilst also doing a full time job. This month will be different though and I hope to be able to dedicate a bit more time to you guys. In fact I’m updating my Patreon tiers with a whole new reward for my $20 patrons. Once per month you can now request a custom photoshoot with whichever character you like, in (and out) of whichever outfit you like. Just send me a private message either through Patreon or on Discord and let me know who you’d like to see and where you would like the images emailed to.  For my current $20 patrons I’ll send you something ASAP. For new $20 patrons I will send something out at the start of next month, after their first payment has been processed. This is going to be a trial reward for the next couple of months while I work out how much of my time it takes up and how popular it is. I’m probably going to send out a public message out soon with some example images to highlight this new service.

Altos and Herdone 




Great work at hiding the breast and genitals of the girls, at special the twins. I really like this image. A question that is not meant to be serious: Why is Faye knocking on the locker? :D