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Hi everyone,

Lead developer Altos here. 

Firstly I have some important news that I wanted to let you all know about. As promised, when we reached our second goal on Patreon I told my work I wanted to go part time. However, this didn't go down well with my company and, cut a long story short, I ended up quitting. Unfortunately, I am still contractually obliged to carry on working there until the end of April. However, after that and for as long as I am making enough money on Patreon to scrape a living, this will be my full time job. I had hoped to be earning quite a bit more before taking the plunge but work has forced my hand. Hopefully our campaign will pick up pace after the next update or two. Poor Herdone is going to have to carry on full time with her day job for now.

All this means that you can expect a slightly smaller update for version 0.3 while I finish off at my old job but then expect development to really pick up pace for version 0.4. 

Work is well underway now on version 0.3 and I think we are in a position to announce an expected release date. However, this time we will be doing things slightly differently. In the last release there were a few bugs, for which I apologise. Playtesting a nonlinear game is tricky. You go through fixing things only to find later this has created an error in a part of the code you already checked. This problem will probably get more difficult over time as the game gets ever more complicated. For this reason I wanted to try out releasing a beta update first. 

All $10 Patrons and above will be eligible to participate in Beta testing. Just message us directly if you'd be interested. It would really help us out plus you'll get to see the game a little earlier. I don't intend this to be a replacement for our own error checks and we will still be doing our best to ensure the game is bug free. However, it would be good to have some extra eyes on the problem.

We are aiming to have the beta version ready by the 4th May. With a release to the $5 Patrons (and above) a week later on the 11th May, then a public release a month later on the 11th June.

These are nervous and exciting times for us and once again I want to thank all of our Patrons for your support.




At least you got chicken!


Oh my god, that's an enormous step! Congratulations! I'd say it's completely normal to be both scared and excited about this life changing twist. Shame things didn't go as planned with the part-time as a transition but hopefully this will give you a push to greatness. I'm rooting for you guys!


Thanks! Hopefully it works out and I can keep doing this for as long as possible. I can always try to find part time work somewhere else if I'm struggling but I think I'll give this game my full attention for a little while and see how everything works out.


Scary for you, but good news for the game, it means after april we’ll get lots of new great content ! I’ll increase my pledge, you deserve to earn enough to be full time on this game !


Ok, thank you for telling us that.


I ditto Largo... I hope THIS becomes your new opportunity!

Matt Gorman

I'm thinking about dropping a $5 who may have abandoned a game and replacing with another. I tried this out but so far can't get beyond 1 point in the crown/teacher popularity stat. You can't get Priti's emal PW in this release and the Asian Science teacher is never home even when you upgrade the Science equipment. I only support when you can get SOMETHING fairly early and there are regular updates. How long until there is ability to use more than her hand and get more things released without too much hassle? And how regular are new releases? Too many devs here dick around and have releases with no worthwhile content or take too long for new releases.


Miss Chang is in the science class in the evening. Speak to her there about the password and upgrading the science classroom. This will allow you to advance the game. Remember to check the quest log (top left button) this will tell you what to do. In terms of update frequency this should pick up soon. We have spent several hundreds of hours creating this game so far whilst also working full time jobs. With the support from Patreon I'm planning to focus on this game for a while full time. However, I've got a month's notice to get through at work first. After the next update at the beginning of May I hope to switch to monthly releases and we should start to significantly advance the story, with the punishment system and the ability to punish the girls yourself for example. This is an ambitious project and will take a little time for us to get all the pieces together.

Matt Gorman

An Idea for a way to improve influence - the gym teacher (can't remember her name) offers to give you (more than 1 - like 3-5) points, but for her to spank YOU (she seems to like spanking) and maybe 2-3 more for sex after. She IS hot and later things need more points.


This idea is nice, but dosent match the theme of the game in my opinion. You play as the headmaster, you are the boss in this school. The gym teacher, her name is Sally btw, is simply following the orders of the headmaster. The headmaster is the boss and is trying to implement his theory in this school. There is no reason that someone should spank the headmaster.

Matt Gorman

I hate that damn religious lunatic woman as I would IRL.

Matt Gorman

I want to see a paddle introduced for pain level 3 when the more advanced system happens. Debra and Carolyn need the punishment that has severe pain.


How do you apply to be a beta tester new to this thing i an a $10 patreon


Bug report not to sure where to put it {the photo shoot with priti it is written uniform amd swimsuit / not uniform and swimsuit just a spelling error


Thanks Lee. The best place to post bugs is on the bugs channel of the Discord. That way I have them all in one place.


Hi all hwo do we bring up the meter when smacking them to change to the different objects


The system isn't implemented yet. I'm working on it right now though and it'll be up and running for the next update.


Can anyone tell me where to find keys so sally can coach volleyball by the lake?