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  • Wow, we've already reached our first goal. Fantastic news. Thank you all for your pledges. So what does this mean? Well, it shows us that there is definitely a market for this game and every moment of our free time from now on will be spent working on it (although it already was to be honest). Altos can also look into reducing his hours at work so he can spend more time coding and making renders.

    We set the bar high with version 0.1 and know that people have high expectations for the next update. We are confident we will not disappoint. It's still difficult to estimate the next release date but we are hoping to have version 0.2 ready towards the end of February. Hopefully by that point we will be able to move towards monthly releases.



Red Claw

Well done. With such a high quality first release, there was no doubt I would support this.

Tyrannosaurus Emo

What's in the locked post for Upcoming Rewards? I'm at the $10 tier and I've already paid $10 for January; Patreon will only allow me to see the $20 tier if I pay an *additional* $20 for January. I'm ok with the idea of paying $20 a month, but not paying $30 to receive the $20 content.


Nothing much so far just a request for names for credits and a discussions about upcoming rewards. As far as I am aware nothing has been charged on this account so far and it will all be billed at the end of the month. I will be sending out a message to the $10 and above patrons soon with a survey and some preview images.


wonder if we can have the game available on cellphone Android?


I hope to at some stage. Making an Android version is quite complicated. I'm going to start researching how to do it but might take me a little while.