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Do you think we ought to get Katie and Jenny back together? I was going to focus on Jenny's gaining weight from here, but I can't deny, they looked good together u3u

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The first thing Jenny became aware of was the chirping of birds outside her window. Some were soft, some irritatingly loud on her sensitive radar dish ears. She had woken up to that bird call often enough to place the time around late morning, or early afternoon - not that she ever woke up that late on work days. The next thing she became aware of was a dull, throbbing, pain that seemed to encompass most of her body. Moving ever so slightly it lanced down her spine. Groaning, the mouse realised she had slept on the floor. Carpet is a poor substitute for a mattress. The third and final thing Jenny noticed, before she opened her eyes, was the smell of stale donuts. Even after a night of gluttony, the slightly sweet odour of the icing was enough to start her salivating. She was hungry.

With another groan the grey furred mouse opened her eyes, she winced in the harsh morning light that filtered through her window but slowly and surely the room came into blurry vision. Discarded donut boxes, some empty, some flattened, some full, littered the floor alongside a mess of crumbs. She groaned again, this time in pain. She had been laying on her stomach all night, using an arm as a pillow, she had pins and needles all up her wrist and her back was aching to be stretched. Getting up however turned out to be a process. Trying to lever her front end up with her arms failed the first time as one of her arms, numb from being used as a pillow, gave out on her. The mouse flomped onto her gut with a loud umph, loud enough to shake the ground. Mumbling to herself she gave it another shot, pushing herself up gingerly with one arm and it was then she began to understand the full extent of what she had done to herself the night before.

Any time before, Jenny had been able to get herself up off her front without any problem at all. Now it seemed like the more she pushed off the ground, the more front there was to get in the way. Looking down she shivered. Her stomach was huge! A massive furry bowl of gelatin, wobbling and squishing beneath her. She could push with both her arms and still her gut would remain in firm contact with the carpet beneath her. What have I done to myself? The thought came unbidden, alongside a host of others. How, how could I have thrown my body away? I worked so hard all my life, I always watched what I ate. What will my parents think? My friends?

Friends? Jenny scoffed a little, she didn’t have any. Not since she traded her life to climb the corporate ladder. Her relationship with her parents was also strained, they hadn’t seen each other in years. She did seem to have a connection with that blubbery mountain of a fennec, Katie. Or maybe the fennec treated everyone like that. It might be worth following up on, perhaps she would appreciate Jenny’s new... form. Form? She scoffed. She wasn’t some model, she was a whale. A cow. She blushed a little bit.

It had been more than a few seconds as Jenny lay there, propped up on one arm while her free hand explored the curves of her stomach. She traced along new folds, puffing out like rising dough with a single finger. She was so much bigger. So much heavier. But the arm holding her up was starting to quiver a little and more pressing, she realised she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Pulling her attention from her bloated form the mouse looked around quickly, she found her glasses and with her free hand slipped them on. The room slid into focus and she started to heave herself back onto her front so she could get up when she heard the door bell ring.


Her fuzzy ears twitched. It would be at least a minute before she could get to the door. Groaning and working as fast as she could, Jenny used the couch she had fallen asleep beside to try and pull herself up. It was back breaking work, her spine ached from a night on the floor and her muscles didn’t seem up to the task of pulling dozens of pounds of extra mouse up onto her feet.

“Just -huff- a minute -gasp-.” This definitely was harder than she remembered. She would need more than a minute.

“No worries, just your daily donut delivery.” Came a voice from the other side of the door.

Jenny sighed in relief. She could take her time getting up. It was just her daily donut delivery.

Wait, daily WHAT?




Messy hair cuuutte

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 03:20:47 Eeee, I'm glad you liked it <3
2023-05-26 03:20:11 Eeee, I'm glad you liked it <3

Eeee, I'm glad you liked it <3


It was the Jenny realized that the company knew what she had done.