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When students start ballooning full of juice, what are they to do?! Genevieve helps out a suddenly bloating Rigel in today's chapter of The Rendering Pit!

Written by the marvelous Rabidbadger of FA! Illustrated by yours truly. 


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Rigel stared down at his fingertips, all coated blue. The color mixed with the green sheen underneath to make something quite striking really, but it just steadfastly refused to wash off. Not that that was a real problem, the stuff stained – it would clear up in a while. His other hand was currently holding onto the small pot that held the equally diminutive plant producing the things. 

“Small package, incredible contents…”

He’d eaten two of the berries just now, and was busy watching them regrow with astonishing rapidity. Not instantly, but they reappeared as small, bluish buds right away and then swelled over a day or two until they reached full size. There was a delightful tingle in his middle at the moment to boot, something that matched the pleasant contentment he felt otherwise. 

“Heh, I know what you mean – though mine’s gone to do… something. Hrm.”

Rigel’s eyes wandered over, the fox on the far end of the room (who had gotten quite fat of late) was currently sitting on her bed, but smiling contentedly as she stared at the open doorway (the badger in the middle bunk was snoozing under the covers). Whatever it was she was waiting on it clearly wasn’t a problem. He’d meant to continue immediately, but found his stained fingertips in his mouth and had to peel them free first.

“You seem less stressed out than you were.”

The vixen nodded emphatically over that one. Genevieve even shook her head gently as she truly assessed the magnitude of that truth.

“Yeah. Went and saw a couple people about help the university offered and suddenly things just don’t look quite as scary.”

The reptile smiled there, and tucked another berry against his tongue, pressing it to the roof of his mouth. He’d heard a couple of the more ‘white collar’ delinquents describe caviar as being best eaten that way, and somehow it felt appropriate to have the thing just slowly explode and spread flavor everywhere inside.

“I met a professor I liked, on my end. Decided to enter his program.”

That got Genevieve smiling back.

“That where the plant come from? Those look… pretty good.”

Rigel could barely equate the experience with a limited word like that. Each one was hard to describe, not a flavor he’d had before – but a perfectly divine new species of sweetness that would rush from plump confines out into his senses. He adopted the same kind of contented smile the vixen was wearing while he ate his… 

There was a slow blink as Rigel came up blank on how many he’d had. He looked down at the plant, but there were berries everywhere still. 

“They uh, they really are. It’s kind of on a whole different level from what I’m used to. Which I don’t just mean on account of having been in a correctional facility. I mean yeah, the food in there was awful, but that’s not what this is about.”

The vixen’s eyes went a bit wide and glisten, which left Rigel curling his arms around the plant and hunkering back against his bunk’s headboard. The ‘mine’ was clear, spoken or not. 

He was a trifle worried to find himself sucking on his fingers with a couple berries between them when he meant to speak again. Once more, he glanced at the plant – but it, as always, told him nothing.

“Uh, you okay there…?”

Rigel stared straight ahead at the thing, still unsure. Something in him was screaming to worry about… about something it was sure was serious, a moment ago.

“…Rigel. It uh, yeah. I’m fine. I – that, what’s your…?”

The vixen’s eyes narrowed a bit.

“Genevieve. Are you sure? You sound weird and look kinda – that blue on your fingers and lips is getting darker, and your uhm – down.”

Down didn’t quite make sense to Rigel, apart from making him look down – which he was already doing with the plant. It explained itself in short order though when the pot pressed into his knees where they curled up.

They did this because his belly swelling outward slowly. It was a gentle growth, but it was happening fast enough for him to watch. And when he reached to prod at it he noticed yes – his fingers were blue – not just the tips either. It was all up and down the first two knuckles, and spreading gradually down them.

“I… that. I’m sure it’s fine, I just need to stop, and uh, it’ll go down. I think. Chrome, where’s my tablet…”

Rigel swung his arm out to the side, pawning for the device all the students were given. It was waiting for him, but as he dragged his (slightly tingly) blue fingers over the surface and tried to search through the university’s servers for something, anything, on odd plant allergies or the like he found nothing. Or rather he found plenty of lectures that seemed to offer nothing even remotely useful to his current plight.

“Maybe you should see the-“

A fierce head shake later, Rigel was now sitting with his knees curled against his belly again. It felt tight, but squishy. Moreover, it felt inexplicably pleasant to put pressure to it – which was good, because he was bound and determined to forcibly hold himself in if he had to. He did spare one hand to put the plant back on the table by his bed though.

“I’ll be fine. Just need to be done for the day, and not touch these for a while. Might be a mild allergy or something.”

The next few breaths were heavy things, wherein Rigel determinedly willed the situation to stop being so worrying. He knew if he just stayed calm it would stop being a thing and he could go back to literally anything else. It was as good a plan as he had – and would’ve been a great deal easier to implement if his stomach would stop gurgling, squelching, hissing, and pressing so hard against his thighs. 

When he felt his robe lose a clasp and pull open Rigel slid off his bed and got up. He didn’t much think it through past that, but while on his feet he began pacing a little.

“Come on – just… calm down and stop the – the really nice bubbling, which is just…”

Genevieve watched the reptilian student slow to a halt, rubbing at his exposed little dome of a belly, eyes going unfocused for a moment as he swallowed hard. Rigel took another step, much more awkward than the previous ones.

Rigel tried that again, but the same thing came of it. He felt a flood of liquid inside, and a tense pressure that came with it. It wobbled and sloshed, and it settled into the bottom of his abdomen. He could feel the mass gravitating into his thighs, his ass, and his hips most of all. It was forcing him to splay his legs out a bit, causing a bit of tension to form when he lifted one even enough to take another step. Worse yet, it didn’t seem to be stopping – it slowed down a little when he stood still though.

“…See the nurse. Seriously.”

As the squishing inside continued with Rigel able to feel his middle spread – pressing against his robe a bit more tightly moment to moment – he had to concede. The reptilian student nodded, then reached behind him for his plant.

“Maybe don’t take that? I mean you uh, you don’t seem too good at abstaining and- Rigel!”

Rigel meant to just say ‘what’ – but froze when the word came out with all the tell-tale distortions of talking with your mouth full. He looked down at his hands first, his deep blue hands, then swallowed as much out of habit as fear. 

“That – shit! I, but… but she’ll need it to figure out what to do, I think, right? So just…”

Genevieve grimaced, and stood up. Were she not quite so heavy it would’ve been faster, but as it was she moved as quickly as she was still able. Taking Rigel’s other hand, and tugging him toward the door.

“Come on. I know the way. Probably right about her needing a sample of the plant but no eating any more of it on the way there.”

The two of them made for the door at that, neither of them very fast, but Rigel could feel himself slowing even as they began down the first hallway. His gait rapidly decayed, step by step, as the movement left his stomach twisting and squeezing – and everything it squeezed free. 

Even as they just made headway forward, the vixen’s soft hand curled around his – which felt quite nice, really – Rigel struggled. The swelling in his belly was growing more visibly round, but troublingly, it wasn’t staying where one would expect a gut to be. He could feel the bulge crawling back along his sides, and steadily devouring his hips entirely – leaving his legs forced into an off-center waddle. 

It was a colossal relief when Genevieve stopped dragging him along the halls.

“Okay, it’s right up ahead there and- that- do you hear buzzing?”

Rigel looked around briefly, but they were in a busy hall, and he mostly heard the fluid rushing around his ears – and all the rest of him. That, and the other students coming and going. Genevieve had been true to her word though, he saw the nurse’s office down the hall, and-

“I think… I hear my drone. Rigel, just go through that door okay? Do everything she says. I’ll catch up with you later, back at the dorms.”

The vixen was rubbing a spot on her forehead Rigel frankly hadn’t been paying attention two – twin small crystalline nubs were on it. She was also staring off down a neighboring hallway and looking very distracted. 

Rigel glanced at the nurse’s door – it was close ahead, clearly marked

“Go, it’s okay. Th-thank you for getting me this far.”

A grateful nod later, Rigel was left staring at Genevieve’s retreating, bouncing ass. Something he spent just a few moments more looking at than he should have. After that? He turned, and took a step – or whatever the hell one wanted to call it. As Rigel looked down during it, he could hardly call it walking. Right in the middle of his thighs, up to the edge of his chest, he resembled a sapphire blue yoga ball that was sloshing precariously with each step. Balance was, at best, difficult. He wasn’t sure what his hips were doing in there – or if he technically had hips right now. The ‘steps’ were more a matter of swinging his body side to side, and doing so was far more tiring than normal walking. Rigel was all of a few yards from the door to the office when he stopped.

The reptilian student sniffed the air quietly, feeling a light and cool haze descend on his fevered worry. He nearly stumbled at the end of that last step he took. A voice in his head worried this was some fresh problem, but the fear it wanted to base that on wasn’t coming. Rigel turned his head about, wondering what was going on, and found himself staring down a different side corridor.

He smelled something a bit earthy. Dusty. Green

“Professor Tenebrae’s wing is down that hall.”

Rigel wasn’t sure why he said it out loud, but it seemed important. The little plant was from him after all, maybe he knew more? Could offer more immediate, pertinent help?

His breathing grew uneven as he wrestled with that thought – the same voice from before was being as loud as it could about choosing the nurse instead, but it made sense his professor would know how to handle a plant like this. He’d given it to Rigel after all, and the boy wanted to be loyal to his teachers.

Hesitating further, Rigel struggled to make his choice.


Samuel stumbled into the dorm room, tired and sore around the middle of his back. His bag was heavy, and he was feeling damned uncomfortable in the weirdest places. Rigel and Genevieve’s beds were both empty, which struck him as odd at this hour of the evening. Neither of his roommates seemed to have intense social lives. This was almost as odd as what he saw when he turned the lights on.

His bed was occupied, and with the lights on he could just make out the edge of a purple coated ear sticking out from under the covers. 




Rigel has a big choice ahead of him! Visit the following link to register where you think the story should go! 


Should he,

a, Return to his professor, Tenebrae - 2 votes

b, Visit the school nurse - 6 votes (one weighted)

c, Give in to the temptation to binge - 5 votes (two weighted)

Comment below as well as visiting the link above to have your weighted votes registered !




I'm interested to see what is going to happen! My weighted vote is on B) visiting the school nurse.

Cecil Kane

my weighted vote is for C


It might be too late already, but I'd like to see B

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:49:25 if it's not too late, C <3
2017-09-06 16:26:47 if it's not too late, C <3

if it's not too late, C <3