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Ok this comic ends on page 20, but its going to be an insane 5 remaining pages!

Also this means we'll need a new comic. So if you have any ideas let me know and maybe you'll get to see it be made. 

Page 16

Panel 1 Worms eye view, fanservice pane.l Dave is sitting on the ground looking up at Isabelle. She’s massive and dripping wet. She’s a goddess.

Panel 2 Smaller, Framed on Isabelle's head and shoulder.  The water sprite is standing on her shoulder trying to pull the necklace off again.

Water Sprite “I see giving you this might have been a mistake, but I don’t think I can get it off.

Panel 3 Isabelle looks off in the distance and can see a rather large dam between two craggy cliffs. The sprite is still struggling, only making Isabelle bigger.

Isa “Maybe Dave was on to something, you said the Water Queen would return the water to this land right?

Panel 4 Wider, Isabelle crouches down to talk to Dave.

Isa “Think if I go return the river I could be given control of this stupid necklace?

Dave “I mean it’s worth a try, we’re clearly very good at taking these things literally.”

Panel 5 Isabelle is now talking to the sprite, shes got a plan

Isa “So how much water could you absorb…..?”




yesss, yessss, YESSSS!


if you were looking for a idea for the next comic, its not a original idea or anything, but I always thought a comic adaptation of your 4 panel alice series would be cool... maybe like 8 to 10 pages or something.


could honestly go either way. You could have a straight up growth romp Or have something where Isabelle has a lucid dream where she wakes up in wonderland, makes her way to the house, gets roped into looking for the rabbits gloves, she quickly figures out she is in a lucid dream and that could affect her decisions and reactions to things. There's a lot of different things, I could come up with a couple of different ideas if you wanted