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Well the whole gangs here.... should they split up? (For those of you wondering it's Dave as Shaggy and Kamea from the Pele comic as Fred, our sisters as the girls, and good ol' Mr Wiggles as Scooby)

A surprise piece of art from our main artist! This guy loves everyone here so much, the money we send him each month is enough for him to live off of. Neve forget that, we at JAW are making a guys entire existence possible; that's a powerful and amazing things you have all provided. 

This was a rather rough week for me. Work hasn't gotten any easier with the wife getting more and more pregger. The baby is doing ok-ish right now, but we have to go to the doctors like 2 times a week now for monitoring. This has been rather draining. I love you guys here so much that I feel bad when I don't post.  I'm starting a new schedule for myself this week that should allow for more time to post though.

I owe reaching out to several $10+ Patreons, that should happen tomorrow. And I have some extra goodies to post. I have the files in front of me and just havn't had a chance to do it. I apologize for the lack of art this month.

GOOD NEWS is the Holiday comic is in process and should start, I'm hoping this weekend or early next week for the $5+ tier. Just know my time is limited for creating ideas and write ups. So I will be reaching out to the community for help with ideas soon. 
